Name: Roy Mustang
Show: Fullmetal Alchemist
Nicknames: Colonel, Lt. Colonel, The Flame Alchemist, "Morally-Corrupt-Colonel-With-A-God-Complex"
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Best Friend: His lutenant, Riza Hawkeye and his Major/Ltutenant Colonel/Brigadier General, Maes Hughes
Most Often Paired With: Hawkeye, Hughes, Edward,
Voice Actor: Travis Willingham
Roy Mustang is a state alchemist, specializing in flame alchemy. He has
achieved his rank from his prior achievements during the eastern Ishbal war.
His alchemy resides with the use of his fiber-synthetic gloves, that have a transmutation circle sewn into them.
At first glance, Roy is nothing more than a cocky man who would jump at the chance to see women in skirts, but in reality he is a determined person, who is not so easily defeatable.
(thank you
"I wonder how beautiful those eastern women are..."
"I say it because it's true. And when I am furur, there will be changes.... All female officers will wear TINY MINISKIRTS!"
"If these two can survive a human transmutation at their age, their father just dropped a peg on my list."