

Digimon Home

Digimon 01 Home

Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Anime: Digimon Adventures 01 and 02 and several Digimon Movies
Nicknames: The Lone Wolf, Matt
Age: 11 in 01, 15 in 02, 6 in Movie 1,
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Best Friend: Tai (Human), Gabumon (Digimon)
Crest: Friendship
Partner: Gabumon
Most Often Paired With: Tai, Sora,
Voice Actor: Micheal Reiss (English), Kazama Yuuto (Japanese),


Profile 01: Matt is the "cool" kid of the group. His digimon, Gabumon, suits him perfectly because he is the "Lone Wolf" So to speak. He really only shares his emotions with Tai, and that is rare. He has a brother named Takeru or "TK" for short, who also happens to be a DigiDestined.

Some of his greater achievements were: Helping Sora escape from the dark pit with the help of Joe and Biyomon, and giving TK the strength to battle Piedmon, and protect Kari. However, he caused many fights with Tai, and left the others when they needed help, so he has failed sometimes too.

He's always playing his harmonica, and he's constantly trying ot figure out why he posseses the crest of "Friendship" when he's a loner. Matt has his share of family problems, such as divorce and being away form his brother.

Profile 02: In 02 Matt and Tai are better friends, and Matt is now a rock star. He's the guitarist in his own band, "The Teenage Wolves." In this season he has a problem bigger than Piedmon. Jun. Jun is Davis' sister, and she totally adores Yamato. He can't stand her. He is there for the others more now, as well.

After the Show: Matt and Gabumon became Astronauts. They landed on Mars when they were supposed to go to the moon. People agree that he married Sora, because they had kids, but there is no real proof because if he did TK would have said so in Ep104, but we may never know. (The author is desperate for anything that keeps Yamato available)

Gabumon's Digivolution Chain:
Baby -
In-Training - Tsunomon
Rookie - Gabumon
Champion - Garurumon
Ultimate - Weargarurumon
Mega - Metalgarurumon
Other - Omnimon (MetalGarurumon + Wargreymon)
Other - Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (Omnimon + Imperialdramon)


"I'm da man."

"No autographs, please."

"What planet did I dial?"

"No Tai. I won't."

"Gotta go, Grandma fell asleep on TK again."

"That's one mad Digimon with his feathers in a cross."

Matt: I've been living a lie.
Gabumon: You're not really a blonde?

