Name: Zoe Orimoto
Anime: Digimon Frontier (Digimon Scanners, Digimon Season 04), and several Digimon Movies
Nicknames: Izumi Orimoto (Japanese)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Best Friend: Takuya, Koji,
Element: Wind
Most Often Paired With: Takuya, Koji, JP,
Voice Actor: Michelle Ruff (English), Ishige Sawa (Japanese)
Zoe's Digimon Forms:
Human Spirit - Kazemon (Japanese - Wolfmon)
Beast Spirit - Zephyrmon
Fusion Spirit -
Hyper Spirit Evolve -
Other - Susanoomon
Ancient Spirit -
"When you win, you can take me out on a date!" (Note: To Takuya)