- You will have noticed the Windows Battery Meter is very inaccurate. The
reason is the
- Battery in the Eeepc is a DUMB Battery and doesn't supply accurate
- I have written my Own battery Meter and it is quite accurate.
Download My Battery Meter
- The Battery information supplied by the ACPI in the Eeepc is total crap.
No wonder Asus can't get a decent battery meter.
- The main problem is the Battery is NOT a Smart Battery. That is why its so
difficult to get an accurate battery meter.
- I have done mine the same way as ASUS. It must be calculated from the
Battery Voltage as that is all the ACPI supplies.
- Since its a Dumb Battery their is no other correct information available.
The way I have done it to get quite an accurate status
- was to Profile each battery I had using the same conditions. I profiled
them using %100 CPU usage and normal screen brightness
- with WiFi on.
- The program has built in Profiles for these batteries.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- ASUS 7.4v 4400 mAH
- ASUS 7.4v 5200 mAH
- ASUS 7.2v 5800 mAH
- Mugen 7.4v 7800 mAH
- Mono Mobile 7.4v 10400 mAH
- Their is also an option to create a CUSTOM Profile. The Program has
instructions on creating a custom battery profile.
- When you run the program the first time you need to Select the Profile for
the Battery you are using.
- Their is no Auto Install program. Just Unzip the file into a folder called
BatStats. Create a Desktop Shortcut and also Create a
- Shortcut in the STARTUP group if you want it to run when Windows Boots.
- You also need to DISSABLE the Windows Battery Power Alarms. This program
has its own alarms you can set. You can set Alarm
- between 20-60 Minutes Remaining and Shutdown windows between 5-15 Minutes
- The program sits in the Status area, If you mouse over it the Percent and
Time remaining will be displayed. Double Click to open or
- Right click for menu.
- The Percent left is accurate to 1 Percent. Minutes left is
accurate to 1 Min.
- The Battery Voltage is sampled every 6 seconds and the Percent and Time
Remaining are updated every 30 Seconds.
- You will notice the Mono Mobile does not meet it's specifications. All
other batteries tested met their Specs. The Mono Mobile only
- manages about 8900 mAh
- Please give my program a try and see what you think. It is about as
accurate as is possible when using a Dumb Battery.
Battery Profiles used in my Program
- You May Also Need msstdfmt.dll if it's not on your PC already.
- Extract it to the /windows/system32 folder
- Open a DOS window and change to the /windows/system32 folder then
- enter regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll to register it.
Download msstdfmt