

#farscape Quotes


Farscape- The Bad Guys... The Nebari

The Actors

The Good Guys

The Bad Guys

Mote's Thoughts

The Nebari are a race of conformists, whose motivations and desires for power are known only to a select few. Though not a widespread race, they apparently have powerful ships capable of destroying even a notorious PK Command Carrier like the Zelbinian. Not much is known of the Nebari... the general population cowers in fear of the leadership and conforms to their strict rules and regulations for fear of being 'mind cleansed,' a process of brainwashing. Mind-Cleansing can take up to a hundred cycles to become permanent, though temporary cleansing can be attained by chemical means in non-Nebari.  When mind control doesn't take, a control collar can be applied to 'shock' an unruly person into submission.

Chiana escaped Nebari Prime with her brother Nerri some years back. After Her brother went his own ways he started a type of revolutionary force. Chiana is saught after by the Nebari not only because she is an escapee, but also because she is Nerris sister, and may be used to get to him.

As it turns out the Nebari had been letting individuals escape Nebari Prime, after they had been infected with some sort of dormant virus that awakens when introduced sexually with non-Nebari. This virus is apparently a derivative of Mind Cleansing research and meant to be triggered somehow by Nebari Prime at some point in the near future.  This would have the effect of controlling enough members of an alien populace to cause an uprising of some sort, though the details of this plan that are known are sketchy at best.

It is commonly believed that Nebari have become resistant to other methods of mind control, possibly due to untold centuries of mind cleansing on their own home-world. Chiana once said "... I'm Nebari, mind control don't work on me." It seemed an odd statement, since she comes from a world that  essentially survives off of mind control. It is possible she was bluffing, or that the Nebari actually have become resistant to other means of mind control.