1959 ends

The Two Ethiopias, by Th. Zhirov ( a summary)

In Classical mythology the God Poseidon received was appendage two Ethiopias, the first in the East was where the Sun rose, the second in the West, was where the Sun set. The orthodox view point that the Eastern one was in India and the Western one in Egypt, is not a persuasive one, especially as Egypt seems to have come under Athena. The myth of the two Ethiopias would be more realistic if one assumes that in both cases the kingdom in question had been submerged by the ocean and this added to the realm of Poseidon. On this basis in Western Ethiopia was Atlantis, a supposition that is supported by the fragments of the 'Tros Aethopikes" by Marcellus (A.D. 174-217) who says: "Historians who speak of the islands of the exterior sea tell us that in their time there were seven islands consecrated to Porserpine, and the others of immense extent of which the first was consecrated to Pluto, the second to Ammon, and the third to Neptune-Poseidon. The inhabitants of the latter had preserved a recollection (transmitted to them by their ancestors) of the island of Atlantis which was extremely large and for a long time held sway over all the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. It was also consecrated to Neptune-Poseidon". As for the Eastern Ethiopia, one may surmise that it is a recollection of the submerged continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, which seems to differ from that of the Theosophists in the Pacific (the Pacific Continent of the Geologists). From Babylonia we have the myth of Dilmun, the legendary home of the Sumarian paradise and the beginnings of civilization and of Melukhkh-name later given of Ethiopea-both of which vanished in the Deluge. From the Egyptian myth we have the "Journey to a Far Off Island", which tells of the Island of the Snake God which was overwhelmed by fire and which sank beneath the waves. Ruta, the name given by the Theosophists and their successors to the Atlantean island may have been part of the Indian Ocean Lemuria is lacking and should appreciate details.

Note by Editor: "As Daitya, the name given to the Southern Island of Atlantis by Blavatskaya and her associates, is also that of the giants who fought against the gods, and were defeated at the time of the Cherning of the Ocean, who were members of the Asuras. From this it would seem possible that "Ruta" may have been the name of a personage also associated with this disaster legend."

Webmaster Note-Edgar Cayce referred to his life as 'Rata' oblivious to the knowledge of 'Ruta' of Blavatskaya, or others during the period of Atlantis. In Cayce's account Rata escapes the flood and several battles that occurred in other regions above and below Ethiopia. Within Cayce's account is an echo of the battles of lost continents of not one but of two sinking Ethiopias. There is some indication that the Ethopias were once a group of gods like the Asuras and four cardinal point wind-god groups (Aethopea's simaler to Astrophe's). Ruta would refer to a wheel or hub like in 'road' expressions, and 'Land of the Sun' or its cardinal points. If priests bore this 'Ruta' name it would be a prefix of their worship a kind of Law (Ra) of One (Un) and or Ta (Land) which involves a centralized theological government close to but unlike the Vatican today. The period Cayce speaks of Rata in Atlantis is one of political expulsions from the lost continent and the decentralizing of the government as a result of that lost continents final break up. Fire worship seems to have in this period begun to displace some of the central doctrines of 'Law of One', and the burning force of the sun was or its worship became overly focused upon. This was probably due to a fairly volcanic period in the Atlantic's history and lightening i.e. rain floods later became its symbol after the trident being a earlier symbol of more serene times.

Russian and Soviet Literature On Atlantis, by Th. Zhirov (a summary)

Earliest original work on Atlantis was written by A. S. Norov, pub. In 1854, in Russian and German He drew upon a large number of Greek and Arab sources, postulated that the 'Pillars of Hercules' was not a geographical indication but a symbol, and refers to the shrines dedicated to the hero. He felt the location was the eastern mediterranean, between Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt. A similar view was held by A. N. Karnozhitsky, who placed Pillars of Hercules near Sais in Egypt, and considered that Atlantis was located somewhere between Asia Minor, Syria, Lybia, and Hellas, in the open sea not far from the western mouth of the Nile. He regarded the pyramids as relics of the Atlanteans. Much later this opinion was shared by Academician L.S. Berg, who placed Atlantis in the Aegean Sea, south of Crete. The above category of works belong to those who have ignored the exact directions of Plato. The best translation of Plato in Russian is a work by Prof. Karpov in 1879. Since the beginning of the present century there have been works by authors who followed Plato and located Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. In 1912 V.V. Bogachev published a small but serious and circumstantial pamplet, devoting most attention to the geological history of Atlantis, the phyto- and zoo-paleo-geography according to the scientific knowledge of the his time. He also took into account the Russian poets, V. Bryusov and K. Balmont, who were keenly interested in Atlantis, and the occult traditions of Fabre d'Oliviet, Scott-Elliot and Steiner. Recognizing that the data then available did not suffice to give a positive answer on the existence of Atlantis, he held that it was an invention of Plato although based upon fact, in the same way as the adventures of Robinson Crusoe were based on those of Selkirk. The pamphlet's critical scientific approach to the problem raises it above many other, later works. Year later there appeared a russian translation of an article by geologist P. Termier, the original of which was published in the Revue Scientifique of some interest also at that time, is the opinion of P. Chirvinsky that during the existence of Atlantis there was no Gulf Stream, and that the penetration of its waters to the north created a great flow of water vapours, becoming thereby one of the causes of glaciation. Finally in 1914 was published a small pamphlet by S. Bashinsky, propounding the fantastic hypothesis that the loss of Atlantis was caused by the fall of an immense asteriod, a splinter of which became Australia. The central shock occurred near 10-15' south and 180 degree east causing the split and loss of the antipodes of this locality- Atlantis. This hypothesis cannot withstand criticism either geological, or any other grounds. In 1917 appeared one of the more serious and well-reasoned works, which still retains significance today. V. Bryusov, the famous Russian poet, who was engaged in the scientific study of the problem gave a full and systematic review of all data then available as evidence that Atlantis was the cradle of the majority of subsequent civilizations. He held that it flourished at the end of the ice age in Europe, and that its loss occurred during the time between the end of the ice age and the fifth century B.C. He also examined the occult traditions in some detail, though, not without reason, treating them rather skeptically. The next stage of soviet atlantology came in the 1930's, and shows considerable interest in the problem. A popular science brochure of B. F. Dobrynin, and also in the later one by I. Kolubovsky, Atlantis occupies an important place. The former puts forward all the data then available, and concentrates upon the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, the Guanchas. The latter also quotes the results of the researches by Schulten and Tartesse. In 1925 one of the popular journal articles published an article by A. Berg prof. Of the Oceanological Institute, supporting belief in the reality of Atlantis, and the following year was also published the second of the more serious studies of the Soviet period, the original work of B. L. Bogaevsky, prominent soviet historian of that day. In his article, largley in agreement with Bryusov, he reviews the majority of contemporary hypotheses on the location of Atlantis, together with a series of geological data. He supports the Canary site, regards the Guanchas as the direct descendents of the Atlanteans, and considers that they were conquered by the peoples of the Aegean civilization, and the loss of Atlantis occurred in the early Neolithic Age. He rejected occult traditions out of hand, regarding them as irrelevant. Almost a quarter of a century followed, in which not a single work on the subject appeared in the USSR, and no interest in the problem of Atlantis was evident. In the last few years interest has begun to revive and to spread, largely due to a series of works by unquestionable talented writers. The impetus was given by S. Andreeva in her most successfully written popular science book 'Riddles of the Ages', a polish translation of which was appeared in this year. It is in three parts dealing with Atlantis, Easter Island, and Sannikov's land, and is the only book of its kind that the author succeeds in conveying by comparison of contemporary scientific data, chiefly geological and oceanological, in demonstrating the undoubted reality of the rpevious existence of Atlantis. The geological side of this was dealt with more fully a year later by Rene Malaise in his monograph published in Sweden, but not addressed to the wide public and was not known to Andreeva. In contrast to her book a year later S. Uzin who upheld the archaic notion on geology of Atlantis considered Atlantis to be Crete. The following year a more serious book came out by the soviet atlantologist Ekaterina Hagemeister with an after piece by academician B.A. Obruchev, in which the problem of Atlantis is associated with the inception and the conclusion of the ice age and the history of the Gulf Stream. Lastly, the second half of 1956, the Journal 'Tekhnika Molodezhi' (Technics for Young People) began publication of a wide disscussion on Atlantis, printing a number of articles, including writers as: V. Bryusov, N.S. Vetchinkin, I. A. Efromov, N. F. Zhirov, M. Ya. Plam, E. F. Hagemeister. Zhirov in 1959 was working on a book on the subject of the Atlantis problem dealing in ehtnic, geological, and oceanological issues of the subject.

Carolina Bays and Atlantis, by Th. Zhirov ( a summary)

In 1956 the German Engineer Mr. Otto Muck published the second edition of his book of Atlantis. Because this book was not discussed in the pages of 'Atlantis', I shall write generally about the content of Muck's book. The first edition of this book was published in 1955 under the title "Atlantis-gefunden" in Stuttgart. The second edition was published in Switzerland and is large book, more than 500 pages. It was written more popularly then scientifically but has not the rough errors of atlantology containing more recent knowledge. Book intended for the ordinary reader. The general line of the book is the emphasis on information about the flood. O. Muck supposes that the destruction of Atlantis and the Flood have been provoked by the crash of a gigantic asteriod. This asteroid has fallen into the Atlantic Ocean near Charelston, South Carolina, U.S.A. This opinion of O. Muck is based on the facts of the uncovering in the 1930 by the vertical and oblique survey of the great number of the elliptical cavities on the earths surface in this region. W. F. Prouty writes that the carolina Bays have a known distribution along the Atlantic Coastal Plain from northeast Florida to southeast New Jersey. The area of distribution of the bays is about 83,000 sq. miles. Of this area perhaps 4,300 sq. miles have very few bays, or no bays. The bays cover, including overlap, roughly 10% of the surface. Where bays are large and thickly distributed , they may cover more than 50% of the surface. A conservative estimate of 3,5 bays to the sq. mile, much longer than 500 feet, gives an estimate of 140,000 bays of moderate and large sizes. It is almost impossible to estimate the number of small bays. One might be justified in roughly guessing that the total number of bays , and large and small is about half a million. Acording to Mr. F. A. Melton and W. Schriever bays were formed by the in fall of meteorites of a probable cometary mass travelling in a general southeast direction and hitting the earth at a small angle to the horizontal. But no fused glass or fragments of meteorite have been found associated with bays. But the magnometer studies of W. F. Prouty of 26 different bays all indicated spot highs with no definate highs, observed that are not readily associated with some bays, Multiple end 'heart-shaped' bays overlap in patterns explained most logically by the impact of tandem meteorites, some likely explosive in nature. By Mr. W. F. Prouty these bays are younger than the youngest Pleistocene terraces and older than at least one of the more recent marine transgression. Generally he thinks that the bays were formed in very late Pleistocene marine terrace time. O. Muck indicates that the area of the Carolina bays is only a part of the earth's surface covered by fallen meteorites. He affirms that the greater part of the meteorites has fallen to the southeast of Charleston into the Atlantic Ocean, and the greater part of the meteorites has taken root deeply into the earth's crust. O. Muck considers the infall of the meteorite is bounded with the existence of the Porto Rico trench. The great meteorite or asteroid near Charleston was 'Planetoid A' as he calls it. It was about 10km in diameter and about 200 milliard tons in weight. It moved with a velocity about 20 km a sec.. The power of the smash was equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of the 30,000 hydrogen atomic bombs. But it is most ineffectual place of Muck's hypothesis because such monstrous explosions ought to have destroyed all flesh on the greatest distance in the circle. There are no traces of such destruction even near the place of the infall. Because the meteorites have fallen on the earth's surface at a small angle to the horizontal, their velocity diminished very much. Historically the first hypothesis of asteroids hitting earth was proposed by Giovanni Rinaldo Carli in 1780, Florence in the light of this theory. Prof. Boneff supposed that the submergence of Atlantis was caused by the passing of the asteroid near the earth. The American Anthropologist Alan H. Kelso de Montigny supposes that the little Antilles Islands are the east arc of the greatest meteoritic crater where now it is the Carribean sea. But the newest investigations show that the flash sea-bottom of the Carribean Sea is by sialic nature. Nicolina Bonfanti has published the hypothesis that near the North Pole had taken place the infall of the gigantic meteorite and this region is now the deep cavity of the Arctic Ocean. This infall has given two great fissures in the earth's crust where now there are the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. Also the oldest circular mountainous folds have formed and have resulted in the separation of Antarctic from the other continents. Also there were the different moving of the sialic continental masses. This smash has produced the variation of the inclination of the earth's axis gradually returned to its present state. This thunder-clap had taken place in the Paleozoic or Pre-Paleozoic time. I think myself that there is not the necessity to attract the hypotheses about the infall of the gigantic meteorites or asteroids for he explanation of the destruction of Atlantis. Plato does not write about the cosmic phenomena in the bound with the destruction of Atlantis. All hypotheses of cosmic phenomena for the Atlantis problem have two principle errors: the first that the earth's crust is thin and unreliable and the earth's interior is liquid fire. The contemporary seismical and geophysical researches show exactly that the earth's crust is very thick, more than 2,000 kilometer of thickness and that it is very hard, more than the steel. The second error is that the asteroid must have for this effect such great mass that the collision in these considerations certainly must destroy all flesh. But it is fully probable that the time of the destroying of Atlantis has synchronized with some cosmic phenomena as the appearance of the gigantic comet, meteoritic infalls, etc. The submergence of Atlantis may be explained very well by the geological factors.

Atlantis and the Poetic

Half a century ago a poet, Fiona Macleod gave the following quotation with its bearing on Atlantis:

"There are foru cities that no mortal eye has seen but that the soul knows; these are Gorias, that is in the east; and Finias that is in the south; and Murias, that is in the west; and Falias, that is in the north. And the symbol of Falias is the stone of death which is crowned by a pale fire. And the symbol of Gorias is the dividing sword. And the symbol of Finias is a spear. And the symbol of Murias is a hollow that is filled with water and fading light", from "The Little Book of the Great Enchantement"

Of Murias he said:

"I…am as the wave that idly flows, Where the pale weed in songless thickets grows, Over the towers and fallen palaces, Where the Sea-City was, The City of Murias". And again: "In the sunken City of Murias, Deep, deep beneath the sea."

Fiona Macleod, whose real name was William Sharp, died in 1905, before the discovery of radium had been made known to the public, the Curie's "Laboratoire Biologique du Radium" not having been established until 1906. And yet the symbol of Falias: "The stone of Death, which is crowned the pale fire" is as good as a description of radioactive luminescence as one can find anywhere. Perhaps the reader will equate the symbol for Murias: "A hollow filled with water and fading light"?

Another poet, Edgar Allen Poe said:

"Strange city lying alone, Far down in the dim West

Where the good and the bad, and the worst and the best

Have gone to their eternal rest, Where the shrines and palaces and towers

Resemble nothing that is ours."

In Tirnanog of the celtic mythology may well have been a memory of Atlantis, in that, according to W. B. Yeats, it had triple meaning. "The island of the living , the island of victories, and an underwater land".

1959 ends

1960 begins back to the list


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