Foundational Herd Sires

Our Mouflon breeding program started with Majestic Mouflons High Horn Henry and Majestic Mouflons Grecian King. They were both of the Netherlands zoo stock that has proven to be some of the prettiest Mouflons in the world.

Henry and King were great producers. There offspring head up many breeding programs around the U.S. and also Nicaragua, Central America. We now have sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of these two herd sires.

Henry and King were known for their ability to produce mouflons with what we call the bright white factor. Consistently their offspring would have bright white saddles, buttocks, bellies, throats and white below their knees. They also produced young rams that would have a white saddle at a very early age, usually at 6 to 8 months old. Those characteristics carry on with the rams that are leading our breeding programs today.





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