#3     " Smokin' "
This evening I present a "Double Feature"
To begin with I present
Ewanessay #3 " Smokin' "

Perhaps it's just me and it's some bizarre fetish that I have and I didn't previously know about, but Ewan looks damn sexy with a cigarette as a photo shoot prop. Or perhaps it's not a fetish and I just have a thing for the guy that is inhaling or holding the damn thing? 

And as an added bonus, he's doing some great things whilst smoking also:
Pants on...
(Yeah, I am aware he was actually doing the reverse, but let me live the dream    )
Pants off!
Hmm but ogling the picture above for the 20th time I did realise they are a different set of pants...perhaps it was one of those cases where he threw his pants away in a wild fit of passion and then when he had to rush out of the room he 'accidentally' put the chicks pants on instead...    ...well it fits, you know what they say about smoking and sex
Smoking in Bed
Oh, look he's in bed and he's smoking!
Not looking particularly happy though...hmm
You can make up your own mind as to why he is holding near his crotch in this pic, but if you go by my above theory you will come to an answer...
Ewan and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Velvet Goldmine)
Okay again with the theory (Hey, I know it's a weak link     but I need something to thread the essay together!) and if you've seen Velvet Goldmine you may catch on as two why these to needed a ciggie break and as to why Ewan looks a little disturbed about being...sprung.
Christian with cigar
I rather like this pic of "Christian" it just seems kinda classy to me. Maybe it's just all the black and white pics, that give them that certain something...
"Sexy Beast", see Ewanessay #1 "Raw Animal Magnetism"
This picture evokes a looney toons response from me:
Yowza, humana, humana, shezam!
However I think it is those smouldering eyes that are doing all the burning in this pic 

...I know this was not my finest Ewanessay hour, but even when they're not that good with Ewan they're still pretty darn good, and you have to admit, the subject is still fascinating. BUT I think part two of the "Double Feature" is much better...

To see " Smokin' " in it's original form when first posted at the Spectacular! Spectacular! Message Board
with responses and more Ewan pics

Ewanessay #4

Ewanessay Index