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Our Branyan Heritage
Bailieborough Co. Cavan

Pottle House, Bailieborough Co. Cavan
Former residence of Branyan Family(1953)

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  • Prior to Albert Andrew McCartney's Report
    (Unknown sources from old letters)

    James Branyan, born about 1750, married Elizabeth Tivins.
    A. John Branyan
    1. James Branyan
    2. John Branyan (This is believed to be the John Branyan that married Hannah Wislson)
    B. James Branyan married Martha Reed.
    1.John Branyan Married Mitilda.
    11 children born in Monaghan and Armagh Co's. Including the grandmother of this unknown source.
    2.Other Children
    C. Ann Branyan, d. Sept.14,1897, married James Neely, d. Jan.7,1885, Sr.
    1. Anne Jane Neely (married Johnston)
    2. James Neely, Jr.
    3. Susan Neely (married Dickson)
    Edward G. Dickson
    4. Wylie Neely
    D. Other siblings unknown.
    Charles Wilson
    A. Hannah Wilson (married John Branyan)
    B. William Wilson, married Fanny Ryefield, Virginia, Co. Cavan.
    C. Other siblings unknown.

    by Albert Andrew McCartney

    Ireland, 1847

    Branyans of Pottle, Bailieborough, Co., Cavan

    Hannah Wilson of Pottle Bailieborough, Co., Cavan. Was born on 19, April 1847. On 16th July 1867 she married John Branyan of Listraor, Scotch Corner, Ballybay, Co., Monaghan, at First Bailieborough Presbyterian Church. Known as Corglass.

    The couples parents were John Branyan and Charles Wilson both described as farmers. The witnesses were Thomas John Farquhar and James Branyan. John Branyan took his wife to live in Listraor, Scotch Corner, where they carried on farming and had a family of eleven (11) children. The husband, John, died in 1889, when the youngest child, Martha Frances was three years of age, and the widow returned to her original home and farm at Pottle, Bailieborough, Co., Cavan. The journey of twenty miles was done by the family mainly on foot accompanied by horse and cart containing personal belongings and a pony. They arrived at Pottle in the middle of the night and the journey was remembered by the family as being very long and glad to reach their destination. They vividly recall the crossing of a river in the darkness.

    View of Main Street, Bailieborough Co. Cavan
    Looking down from Episcopal Church

    Pictures Circa 1950

    Hannah Branyan is remembered as a tall, well built and hard working woman. She purchased an adjoining farm called Cahills and later had a new house erected by two brothers Harris and James Edwin Parr, the latter of whom was later to marry her youngest daughter, Martha Frances.

    The farm was reasonably level for that part of the country as the name "CAVAN" means the country of hills and hollows. It was well watered and part of it ran along the shore of Drumgraggon River which eventually finds it way into the sea by the river Boyne famous for its battle on July 1690 a hanging hill overlooking the house and when her son John was once asked if they had ever ploughed that hill he remarked that they had ploughed it once shortly after they came to the farm, downward only, with a horse and pony, but "there was plenty of time in those days."

    Although there were eleven children in the family, one son Thomas William and one daughter Susan died young and when the widow returned to the Pottle there were two sons, Samuel and John James and seven daughters. Samuel married Margaret Armstrong and took over the parents farm at Galboby, Bailieborough. The farm at Pottle was then worked by the widow and her son John James who remained unmarried. Hannah Branyan died on the 27th of August 1928 and was buried at the Methodist Churchyard, Bailieborough. By that time all daughters were married and had families of their own. The unmarried son John James continued to farm the land until his death on 13 September 1952 when he willed it to his sister Amelia McCartney who passed it over to her youngest son Thomas William McCartney who had sometime before married and returned from war service with the merchant navy. He is at present with his family residing on and working this farm.

    Hannah Branyan was the daughter of Charles Wilson. Her family were all brought up as Presbyterians. She lived during the time of the great Christian revival in Ireland and she and the Wilson family were influenced by the fervor of that time and the preaching of the Methodists. It was her last wish that she should be buried at the Methodist Church. Some of her own Wilson family became preachers and members of the Methodist Church.

    After the building of the 2nd Bailieborough Presbyterian Church known as Trinity which replaced the original Presbyterian Church at Urcher (note that Trinity Church Bailieborough was built as a replacement to 2nd Bailieborough and is never referred to as 2nd Bailieborough Church.) about two miles west of Bailieborough, many of the congregation of 1st Bailieborough Presbyterian Church known as Corglass, found it more convenient to attend Trinity Church and this was the church to which the Branyan family became attached. The fairly strict Christian doctrine of the Presbyterian church coupled with the influence of the Methodist was apparent in the up bringing of the family who all possessed a quiet and dignified character exemplified by honesty, straight dealing, application to work and the practice of true religion.

    The members of the family of John and Hannah Branyan were as follows,

    I- Elizabeth Agnes Branyan born 1868, died in 1926. She married Henry Gibson, Lisball, Bailieborough and had five children, John, Isaiah, Sarah Jane, James George, and William Henry.

    II- Jane Branyan born 26 November 1869. Went to America and married Hugh McClelland Potts, Sr..(see Potts) She died in 1912. There was four children in the family. Hugh McClelland, Hannah May, Elizabeth and Emma Neely.

    III- Thomas William, died young.

    IV- Hannah Marie born 18 September 1873. Went to America and married John A. Crawford on 11 June 1802. She died on 28 October 1943. There was three children. John Knox, Edith Hannah and James Arthur.

    V- Samuel born 1876, died May 1963. He married Margaret Armstrong, Galbolia, Bailieborough. There was five children. Samuel Ivan, Wilbert James, Hannah Amelia(died young), Ernest and Elizabeth.

    VI- Susan Branyan died young.

    VII- John James unmarried died 13 September 1952

    VIII- Margaret Alicia born 8 August 1879. Married 19 October 1909 to Samuel Armstrong, formerly of Galbolia, Bailieborough and later of Ballybay, Co., Monaghan and Lurgan, Co., Armagh. She died on 12 October 1971. There was six children. Elizabeth Susanna, Amelia Adelaide, Frances Alicia, Mabel Florence, Lucy and Hannah Jane died young.

    IX- Amelia born 30 January 1884. Married to John McCartney, Bailieborough on 14 September 1910. Died on 6 June 1956. There was a family of seven. Annie Marie (died young), Edith Amelia, Albert Andrew, John Henry, Thomas William, Elizabeth Hannah Florence and Gladys Mabel.

    X- Isabella born 1885. Married Robert J. Kells on 5 May 1909. Went to New Zealand. Died May 1962. There was four children, William Victor, Violet Isabella, Henry Albert and Eric.

    XI- Martha Frances, born 19 December 1886. Married on 26 April 1916 to James Edwin Parr. Melbourne House, Bailieborough. There was a family of four, Frances Maureen, James Edwin Cecil,Emily Muriel and Audrey (died age 5).



    GIBSON FAMILY I-Elizabeth Branyan born 1868, eldest of family married Henry Gibson of Moore House, Lisball, Bailieborough, Co., Cavan, about 1890. Elizabeth died in 1926 and was buried at Corglass Presbyterian graveyard. Her husband Henry died in 1938 and was buried in the same place. There were five children. 1- John (Johnnie) born 1891 and went to America for some time and returned and married June Adlelaide (Ada) Gilmore of Lisgar, Bailieborough on 1 January 1930. Ada taught for many years at Lear School, Bailieborough. Johnnie farmed at "The Rock" Lishill. There was three children. A- Samuel Henry born 1930 went to Canada and married Margaret Boyd there and had six children Stephen born 1954 Sandra " 1956 Jennifer " 1958 Douglas " 1960 Sharon " 1962 Robert " 1967 B- Thomas Gilbert born 1931 married Harriet Cockrane of Pottle, Bailieborough. They had three children. Thomas Gilbert worked on his fathers farm at Lisball Thomas Gilbert Miriam Heather Lorraine born 1972 C- Gertrude Elizabeth (Betty) born 1936 went to Belfast and married Clifford Gracey in 1959. They had two children. Steward born 1960 Clive " 1962 2- Isaiah born 1893 married Anna Elizabeth Richie, Cullies, Sherlock in 1926 and resided at Beechfield, Lishill, Bailieborough, on a farm purchased from Williamson, Auchioner. They had one child. Jane (Sadie) born 1927 3- Sarah Jane (Sadie) born 1895. She stayed at home for several years and looked after her father. After his death in 1938 she went to reside at Deramore Avenue, Belfast. 4- James George born 1897. He married Bertha Gilmore, Lisgar, Bailieborough. She was a sister of Ada Gilmore who married Johnnie Gibson. They resided on the home farm at Moore House, Lisball for some years and later bought another farm at Lisball, from a cousin. Johnnie Gibson and went to live there and the original Moore house fell into disuse. They had three children. A- John Frederick born 1940, who helped his parents on the farm and married Doris Middleton in 1967 and resided in Bailieborough, but still helped on the farm. They had two children. James Robert born 1969 and Mervyn born 1971. B- Robert Henry (Robin) born 1944. He worked for a while with Thomas J. Mertin, Bailieborough, later went to Australia. He returned for a while and went to Toronto, Canada and married Elizabeth (Betty) Eakins in 1970 who was a nurse there and a daughter of Thomas J. Eakins, Drummond, Bailieborough. They have a daughter Dianne Elizabeth born 1971. 5- William Henry (Harry) born 1899. He married Catherine Elizabeth (Lily) Connery from Belfast in 1925. Who before and after her marriage taught for many years until her retirement in Leer School, Bailieborough. Harry and his family lived at Australia Street, Bailieborough. He had a motor garage business there until he was killed in a car mishap in 1947. They had two children. A-Albert Henry born 1926 who married Olive Frazer in 1952. B-Eric born 1930 who worked in a bank. THE POTTS FAMILY(see Potts)
    II- Jane Branyan born 26 November 1869. She married on 9 March 1893 to Hugh McClelland Potts, Sr., born 16 March 1865 at Ballybay, Co., Monaghan and who came to America at age 14. He died on 1 April 1943. His wife Jane, died at Philadelphia, Penna., on 12 March 1912. They had four children.
         1- Hugh McClelland Potts, Jr. born 19 January 1894. He married Lillian Hankele (see Vanscoten)on 27 March 1917. Lillian died on 28 September 1978. Hugh died on 16 February 1979. They had four children.
              A-  Twins Ruth Emma and Naomi Jane born 3 January 1918, Camden,NJ.  
    Naomi died 13 January 1918.  Ruth Emma married Winfred Kelly in 
    June 1934 and had a son Winfred born 9 April 1935 at Camden New 
    Jersey.  She remarried William Perry of Phila., Penna. on 12 June 1941 
    and had four children. 
    	    (me)Allen Hugh born  15 April 1942 
    		Donald Eugene born 11 March 1944, died 13 March 1999   
    		Peggyanne Lillian born 12 February 1946   
    		Doris Elizabeth born 13 August 1949  
              B-  Doris Elizabeth born 22 March 1923 at Audubon, New Jersey.  
    She married Royce A. Fish on 24 October 1944.  Who was born 25 
    October 1922 at East Stroudsburg, Penna.  They had one Son Robert 
    George born 5 August 1945.        
              C-  Donald Eugene born 19 December 1929 at Audubon, New 
    Jersey.  He graduated from Asbury College, Wilmore Kentucky in June 
    1951 and then went to Jefferson Medical College.  He married Juanita 
    Horstman in the Presbyterian Church, Paris Penna. on 1 August 1953.  
    They have five childern. 
     		David Warren born 11 September 1954 
    		Daniel born 14 March 1956 
    		Dougalas born 5 December 1957   
    		Deric born 1 June 1960   
    		Joan born 13 April 1968.		
         2- Hannah May born 10 October 1895 died 7 August 1915.              
         3- Elizabeth Jeanett born 16 May 1897.  She married J. Warren 
    Hatton on 13 September 1922. He was born 23 October 1898 in 
    Guthrieville, Penna.  He died in September 1972. Elizabeth died in June 
         4- Emma Neely born on 12 October 1908 in Phila., Penna.  She 
    married William Elwood Roth on 17 September 1930.  He was born 14 
    January 1908 in Phila., Penna.  They had two children.                   
    		Ronald Allen born 22 October 1941   
                 	Garry Wayne born 17 September 1943. 
    III-  Thomas William Branyan died young.           
    IV-   Hannah Marie Branyan born 19 September 1873.  Died 17 August 
    1949 at Riverton, New Jersey.  She went to America and married John 
    A. Crawford at Phila., Penna. on 11 June 1902.  John Crawford was 
    born in Co., Monaghan on 25 September 1892 where his father had 
    been a schoolmaster.  John died on 28 October 1943 and was buried at 
    Morgan Cemetery, Palmyra, New Jersey. (lot 16)  They had three 
         A-  John Knox born 6 April 1903.  He married Marion Stief from 
    Oakmont, Penna. on 10 July 1935.  He remarried Hazel Barrett born 10 
    March 1913 on 15 May 1943. They have a son Chris 1 December 1945 
    who married Kathie Bonnekemer and they have a son John Knox born 
    16 August 1966.  Hazel Crawford died in November 1971. 
         B-  Edith Hannah born 16 August 1904. Married Alexander Johnson 
    born at Bushmills, Co., Antrim on 17 September 1897.  They were 
    married on 8 October 1949.  Alexander died on 20 December 1971.  
    (They lived in Lakeland, Fla.) 
         C-  James Arthur born 14 November 1907 at Llanerch, Penna. on 6 
    February 1932 he married Ruth Lewis Fryling who was born on 6 
    January 1910 at Collingswood, New Jersey.  They had two children.  
    Barbara Ann born 4 November 1932 at Camden, New jersey and who 
    married George Edward Lawrence on 10 January 1953 and has three 
    children. Karen Sue born 6 September 1953 and George Crawford born 
    10 September 1955. and Margaret Ellen born 20 November 1956. And 
    Suzanne born 21 September 1945.  Married James David Billingsley on 
    12 February 1966.  They have one child Marc Webley born 14 
    December 1968. 
    V-   Samuel (Sam) Branyan born 1876 died 20 May 1963.  He married 
    Margaret Armstrong, Galbolia, Bailieborough,  and went to reside and 
    work the farm there.  His wife became deaf while the family was still 
    comparatively young and they communicated with her on their fingers.  
    Sam suffered misfortunes in being run down by an Army truck while 
    on a bicycle and again being hit by a stick while sawing.  The house at 
    Galbolia caught fire mysteriously one night when no one was there but 
    Sam and his wife.  Both of whom managed to escape through an 
    upstairs back window.  They afterward bought an adjoining farm from 
    William Smyth.  Prior to that it was owned by Jack Mulligan in the 
    townland of Urcher and went to live there.  The house at Galbolia was 
    never rebuilt.  Mrs. Margaret Branyan was born in 1872 and died on 17 
    December 1940.  They had five children. 
         1-  Samuel Ivan who worked for a while as a grocers assistant with 
    his uncle John McCartney in Bailieborough and afterward with Pattons 
    of Monaghan and Glaslough.  He married Evelyn Mitchell from 
    Glaslough and opened a business of his own at Stonewall, 
    Bailieborough.  Then he went to England and is now in Nottingham.  
    They have four children.  
    			Oliver who married Emily Claire and has one daughter. 
    			Newell who is married     
    			Emily Margaret. 
         2-  Wilbert James who married Edith Armstrong.  Wilbert worked on 
    the farm at Galbolia and Urcher which he inherited.  They had four 
    			John James who died young    
         3-  Hannah Amelia she died 11 April 1916. 
         4-  Ernest who had an interest in watch making and worked for a 
    while with his uncle John James Armstrong in Portadown.  He married 
    Winifred McGowan of Portadown.  They had three children.    
    			Ronald who was killed in a cycle accident.   
    			Adrien born 1957    
    			Gertrude born 1960 
    The family now lives at Carrickblacker Road, Portadown,Co., Armagh. 
          5-  Elizabeth (Elsie)  who married Jack Victor Love of  Stonewall, 
    Bailieborough.  They have three children.		 
               A- Norah Elizabeth born 1942.  She married Terence W. Pickens 
    of England and has one son Andrew William.	 
              B-Robert born 1945  
              C-Silva Winiferd born May 1951         
    VI-  Susan died young 
    VII-  Margaret Alicia Branyan was born on 8 August 1879.  She died on 
    12 October 1971 age 92.  On October 19, 1909 she married Samuel 
    Armstrong a brother of Margaret Armstrong of Galbolia, Bailieborough 
    who married her brother Samuel Branyan.  They lived for a while at 
    Ballybay, Co., Monaghan and Portadown, Co., Armagh and then lived 
    permanently at 19 Church Place, Lurgan Co., Armaghand and carried 
    on a business of watchmaking and jeweler.  Samuel Armstrong died in 
    1962 and was buried at Seagoe, Portadown.  They had six children.              
         1-  Elizabeth Susanne (Elis) born 8 August 1910 and married Dennis 
    W. Pearce on 25 March 1939. 
         2-  Amelia Adelaide (Ada) born 31 May 1912.  She  Worked as nurse 
    in England and married Leslie E. Simmons of Bedford on 10 August 
    1938.  They  have one son Victor who married Pamela Reeves on 26 
    June 1965 and have two children.  Judith born 1968 and Chistopher 
    born 1972.			 
         3-  Frances Alicia born 24 July 1914.  She married Robert Ernest 
    Murary from co., Fermanagh on 8 August 1934.  They have a daughter 
    Doreen Mildred Frances born December 1938 who has, a son Colin 
    Murray Frances and her husband after retirement as a district inspector 
    of Royal Ulster constabulary took over the Jewelery business of Samuel 
    Armstrong at 19 Church Place, Lurgar.  Robert Ernest Murray served 
    for a while as Mayor of Lurgar and was appointed J. P. 
         4-  Mabel Florence born 26 May 1916.  She married Dermot 
    MacDermot of Dublin and sometime after his death came to reside a 3 
    Kilcomcive Drive, Portadown. 
         5-  Lucy born 1 February 1918.  Served with the women's Army 
    catering boys during the war and afterward done school catering.  She 
    married Nesbitt Joyce of Portadown on 29 November 1950.  They had 
    two children.  Susan Elizabeth born 19 June 1952 and John Samuel 
    born 25 October 1954.  They reside at 66 Gilford Road Portadown, Co., 
         6-  Hannah Jane born 21 May 1919 she died  20 September 1919.         
    VIII-  John (Johnnie) James born 1881 died 13 September 1952  He was 
    unmarried.  He lived on the farm at Pottle, Bailieborough with his 
    mother from the time the family returned from Scotch Corner until the 
    time of her death on 27 August 1928 and afterward by himself until 
    near his own death.  He was buried at Urcher graveyard.  He retained 
    his own personality and perhaps typified the family in his quiet 
    disposition and only making conversation when it was necessary.  
    During the trouble time of the 1920's the house was raided by 
    Republicans and his rifle taken and he was threatened with being shot 
    but was later released.  His Orange Sash was taken and a torn piece of it 
    was nailed up on a tree at the foot of his brother Samuel's home at  
    Galbolia.  He worked his farm in a traditional way and never used a 
    tractor.  His pride was a good team of horses and generally had a foal 
    every year.  He also kept a fine stallion usually of his own breeding.  He 
    sometimes mated his mares with a blood stallion owned by Hugh Grey 
    of Ryefield, Virginia Co., Carvan who had a family relationship with 
    him through his own mother's (Wilson) family.            
    IX-  Amelia Branyan, born 30 January 1884 died 6 June 1956.  She 
    married John McCartney, Main Street, Bailieborough, 14 September 1910. 
    Note from John McCartney IX.4.B, Sept.25,01,
    I had a journal from my great grandfather John McCartney who started trading in Bailieborough, It was an accounts ledgerwith notes at the back about work weather etc.. I knew if I held on to it that it would be lost or destroyed somehow. I sent it to the national liburary and it is in storage in the Monaghan Co Liburary, If you are over here I am sure you can find heaps to intrest you in the ledger.
    They were married by Rev. J. Hamilton, Senior Minister of Donore Presbyterian Church, Circular Road, Dublin. The witnesses were Alexander Patterson and Martha Frances Branyan. John McCartney died on 23 March 1951. They had seven children. 1- Annie Muriel born 16 August 1911 died 25 January 1912 and was buried at Corglass Presbyterian Church. 2- Edith (Edie) born 26 August 1914. She married Thomas W. Longheed of Rush, Co., Dublin at the Bailieborough Parish Church on 8 September 1943. They have two children. A- John Walter Harold born 14 November 1945. Who married Ester Beattie On 27 November 1971. B- Freda Mary born 1 July 1950. 3- Albert Andrew (Bertie) born 1 April 1917, died 1997. Married 24 March 1944 to Annabelle Mary Wilkinson, Sark , Ruthdowney, she died 1997. They have three children. A- Joan Amelia Frances born 9 August 1948. She married Thomas Frederick Hodgers on 26 June 1971 at First Presbyterian Church. Londonderry. B- Andrew Mitchelburn born 8 November 1949. C- Annabelle Hilary born 11 October 1956. 4- John Henry (Harry) born 18 August 1917. He worked in and succeeded his fathers business at Main Street Bailieborough, which he sold in February 1973 and went to live at Curkish, Bailieborough. He married Mary Helena O'Connor, Co Kerry. They have two children. A- Adrian Lestie born 18 October 1947 who married Ann McNulty in First Presbyterian Church, Londonderry in April 1970. B- John born 19 May 1949 5- Thomas William (Tom) born 21 October 1919. He married Margaret H. Macdonald of Glasgow, in June 1947. They reside on the original Branyan Farm at Pottle, Bailiebiorough. They have five children. A- Mary Chistine Forbes born 14 July 1949. She married William West of Scotland on 21 December 1971. a. Jules West B- Anne Amelia born 3 November 1954. C- Gordon Victor b.29 January 1956, d.17 Feb.2000. D- Eliane born 11 July 1960. E- Brenda Margaret born 17 January 1965. 6- Elizabeth Hannah Florence born 21 June 1921. Died 2001 (src=John McCartney IX.4.B), Married David McDowell Foster of Belfast They have two children. A- Geoffery Albert born 2 March 1952. B- John Leslie born 27 January 1956. 7- Gladys Mabel born 12 May 1926. She married Charles Leslie of Hesketh, London. They have two children. A- Roy Alexander born 11 March 1962. B- Marion Louise born 16 June 1965. THE KELLS FAMILY X- Isabelle Branyan, born 1885. Married 5 May 1909 to Robert Kells . They went to New Zealand in 1922. They had a family of four. 1- William Victor (Victor) born 2 February 1910. He married Noreen Amelic Keegan. They have seven children. A- Caroline born October 1945. B- Rachael born 1947 and married Michael Dinneen they have two children. Nicholas Born October 1969 Daniel Kent born May 1971. C- Steppene born June 1946 married to Peter Hills (Sussex) in May 1969. They have a son Mark born December 1970. D- Vicci born July 1951. E- Robert born December 1952. F- Andrew born 1953. (12/20/99 G- Richard born 1957 2- Violet Isabel born 11 May 1911 and married 1945, Hastins, NZ, Gordon McIntosh Amner, b. Mar.29,1914 in Napier,NZ. (src=8/16/01, ,Cheryl Hodges) They have one girl A- Gail born 1945. 3- Henry Albert (Harry) born 12 September 1913. Married to Hazel Russell. They have three children. A- Brian Ashley born 25 October 1945. B- Russell born 2 February 1947. C- Sharon Ann born 8 June 1948 4- Eric Born 4 July 1917 married Adelaide Connor. They have five children. A- Eric Victor born 1944. B- Bruce Robert born 1945. C- Joy Allison born 1947. D- Mary E- Heather THE PARR FAMILY XI- Martha Frances Branyan born 19 December1886. Married James Edwin Parr on 26 April 1916. This as the James Edwin Parr who with his brother had built the new house at Pottle for Hannah Branyan. He also built his residence at the bottom of Australia Street, Bailieborough and called it Melbourne House and later built some other houses there, one of which was called Canberra. He carried on a sawmill and meal grinding business at Melbourne House. He also installed an electrical plant, and erected poles and wired the houses and business premises in the town of Bailieborough and supplied them with their first electric current from his plant, until this was superseded by the Electricity Supply Board current from the river Shannon Hydro Electric Scheme It is told that on the day that Martha Frances Branyan and James Edwin Parr were married that as they were leaving by car for their honeymoon in Dublin that the brides mother threw an old boot after the car and it went through the back window of the car. This was meant as a gesture of parting good luck or perhaps a sign of relief at getting her last daughter married They had six children. Two of which died in infancy and whose names are at present not readily available. The others are as following. 1- Frances Maureen (Maureen) born 5 October 1918. She married Norman Kingsley Reid of Belfast on 21 December 1946. They went to Rodesia and have two children. A- Doreen Auriol Jennifer born 19 April 1948. Who married Peter John Hamp-Adams on 18 November 1970. B- Geoffery Kingsly born 6 November 1954. 2- James Edwin Cecil (Cecil) born 17 August 1920 and he married Anne Tidwell of England on 27 October 1948. They had one son. James Edwin Michael born 15 January 1950. Who married Mary Buchanan on 24 November 1972. 3- Emily Muriel (Muriel) born 26 February 1922. She was married 22 January 1951 to Terence John Gray of England. There is one daughter Frances Teresa born 15 November 1951. She married Robert Piagnoin of Australia 25 March 1972. 4- Audrey born February 1929, died 4 October 1934.
    Pictures Circa 1950
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