Written and directed by Kevin Smith

Starring Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Linda Fiorentino, Salma Hayek, Jason Lee, Jason Mewes, Alan Rickman, Chris Rock, George Carlin, Janeane Garofalo, and Kevin Smith
130 minutes. Rated R. Original aspect ratio: 2.35:1. 1999

The great poster...without, I'm afraid, the great tagline (Get 'touched' by an angel) that CBS objected to. Can't imagine why.    Y'know, it occurs to me that Kevin Smith is just an awful director.
    Not in directing his actors -- that's not what I meant at all. He's great at that. But he can't set up shots worth shit. Dogma, despite it's brilliant script and it's fantastic ensemble cast, looks terrible.
    But I'll get to that. First, let me rave about Smith's script. Smith, who brought us Clerks and Chasing Amy (yes, and Mallrats) has turned in another winner with Dogma. The script is not the blasphemous piece of work that many religious types would have you believe. Rather, it is a funny and thoughtful exploration of faith and a rather biting satire of the Catholic church. Not of the Catholic faith, mind you -- the church. The organization. Which is I guess why the church has gotten upset about the film. Not that the church doesn't need a good ribbing. My own personal feeling is that while faith is great, it's a personal thing, and you shouldn't need an organization to tell you how to act and how to feel. Your own personal beliefs and convictions should be enough. The church does little except regulate people's actions and beliefs, according to what the church feels is right. But enough of my ranting (which I'll probably get an e-mail or two about -- the link's at the bottom of the page, folks). Smith's own feelings -- what I can glean from the film, that is -- might be a little different from mine, but what Smith is doing with Dogma is inviting the viewer to actually think about the church and about one's own faith, rather than just following blindly what others tell you is right, and what you guess is supposed to be right.
    Also, it's funny as hell. Like Smith's other films, the dialogue is so subversive and shocking it's laugh-out-loud funny. Also, in this film, Smith tries something new -- tension. It works, too. The script builds and builds towards the climax, creating menacing villains, brave heroes, and a pair of angels (Affleck and Damon) who are sort of straddling the line between the two. The film has an epic feel to it that I like, thanks to it's very well constructed script. The only big problem I have with the script is the major parts that Smith gave to Jay and Silent Bob. In small doses they're okay -- the scene in Chasing Amy with the two of them was terrific -- but here they appear in almost every scene, and it gets tiresome, real quick. Jay is obnoxious beyond belief, and Silent Bob (played by Smith himself, as always) here uses facial expressions that go beyond comic and expressive, and are just goofy. There's also none of his usual wisdom that I've come to like -- after his wonderful speech in Chasing Amy (and even the few lines he spouts in Clerks), I was hoping for something a little more substantive than an Indiana Jones homage.
Linda Fiorentino defends herself from a flaming Alan Rickman    But beyond those two goofballs, the acting is top-notch. I rather like Fiorentino's heroine, and what the actress does with the part. Her character's a sad woman, but she doesn't cross the line into self-pity, and Fiorentino makes us feel for her. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon -- Affleck particularly -- are simply brilliant here. This is the best I've ever seen these two. Affleck is seriously Oscar-worthy. They're both likable at first, but then Affleck takes on these more menacing qualities that are disturbing -- and extremely well played. Jason Lee (who as far as I can tell has never been in a non-Smith film, Kissing A Fool notwithstanding) is also brilliant here as Azrael, a demon who wants out of Hell any way he can swing it, and I wish he had gotten more screen time than he had. Gee, who could Smith have taken screen time away from? Hmmm.
    Rickman, Rock, and Hayek are also great. Many people don't seem to think Hayek's a particularly good actress, but I like her. I don't think she's Oscar-material (at least not yet) but I still think she's a good actress. Rock is of course hilarious (when asked if he knows Jesus, he replies "know him? Nigga owes me twelve bucks!"), and Rickman is also terrific (as terrific as he can be, that is, when he's not playing a villain and he looks so pasty).
    Now. Kevin Smith's directing. It's just plain awful. This wasn't a problem in Clerks or Chasing Amy, because he basically just had On-screen together for the first time since Good Will Hunting, Misters Affleck and Damon!to point the camera at the actors while they talked (although, if you look at the Clerks DVD, there's an extended version of the scene where Dante jumps Randall in the "deleted scenes" section that looks a lot better than the one in the film. Smith says that the extended version was shot mostly by his DP while Smith was sleeping, and that Smith only included the stuff that he shot so that he could "feel like a real director." It weakened the scene), but in a film like this, with tension, violence, action, and an overall "epic" feel to it, his weakness behind the camera really shows. I could have re-shot a number of the sequences and made them look ten times better -- and added a lot of tension and power to the film, just with a few simple cuts or dynamic camera angles. There are a couple points in the film where Smith shies away from showing any of the fighting and goes instead for the cheap laugh by focusing on the reactions of people watching the fight -- I think because he knew he couldn't do a very good job with the action (he reffers to himself on the Dogma website as a "visually crippled director with no flair for images"). It's not because he didn't want to show violence, because there is a shot towards the film's climax where a man is blown away by an uzi. But I think if he knew filmmaking a little better, he might have attempted to stage the action sequences (or maybe he did and he just didn't like what it looked like). It would have added not just more excitement to the film, but it would have increased the tension (especially in the scene where Fiorentino is attacked) and -- in one case -- given Damon's character a more menacing feel, which would have paid off later in the film.
    I'm not saying Smith is hopeless -- he just needs to apply himself more towards becoming a serious filmmaker. There's a shot involving slow motion in the climax that looks great (indeed, had Smith just put some of the other fight scenes in slow motion it would have probably looked fine -- even the most stupid-looking shots look great in slo-mo!), so he just needs to take the time to learn the craft. He's a brilliant writer (the Superman Lives script floating around on the Internet notwithstanding), and he knows how to get what he wants out of actors (and he inspires repeat performances from many of them, which says a lot for him -- watch for cameos by the actors who played Dante and Randall in Clerks) -- so I definitely think he should keep directing. He just needs to work a little harder at it.

    Bottom line: Looks crappy, but brilliant writing and fantastic acting make that almost forgivable.
    My grade: A -
    My advice: Take what Smith has to say seriously, and give it some thought. Blind faith is not a good thing. And a Shit Demon is not to be trifled with.

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