About the planet mars, 1888 history mars story, mars film, documentary film and mars movie, Philadelphia history, mars film, science fiction movie, Sci-fi movie, mars feature film.  Written from a mars screenplay by a temple university graduate student, turned into a history film about the planet mars.  Became a science fiction movie, mars feature film, Philadelphia film, history film, mars story, science story.  Produced from a mars screenplay with film production help from Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart.  See oocities.com/mrfminc.

In 1888, a persecuted race from the planet Mars escaped to Philadelphia. There were only a few Martians -- all women. A plan for the survival of their race became Philadelphia history.


The rest is documentary film history....

 1888 history, Martian Uniform Symbol of the master race from mars, found in Philadelphia by Colin Stewart, a temple university graduate student.  Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with the mars movie film production.  This mars story, mars film, science fiction movie, Sci-fi movie, mars feature, feature film, documentary film, history film, Philadelphia film, mars movie and science story is Philadelphia history.  Created from a mars screenplay about the planet mars, turned into a mars feature film, a science fiction movie, a history film.  See it on oocities.com/mrfminc.

Master race from Mars arrive in 1888 Philadelphia.

1888 master race from mars arrive in Philadelphia, found by Colin Stewart, a temple university graduate student. Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with the mars movie production. This mars story and science story is Philadelphia history. Created from a mars screenplay about the planet mars, turned into a mars feature film, a science fiction movie, a history film, a Philadelphia film. See it on oocities.com/mrfminc.

 While working on a film project, Colin Stewart, a Philadelphia Temple University graduate student uncovered documentary artifacts of the master race from Mars. Included was documentary film recordings of their 1888 history planet mars story.

Colin is presently filming the images for a documentary film, a mars movie.

 Master Race From Mars 1888 History from film found by Colin Stewart, a temple university graduate student, in Philadelphia.  Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with the feature film production.  This planet mars film, science fiction movie, mars feature, mars story, science story, documentary film, mars movie, history film , Philadelphia film and Sci-fi movie from a mars screenplay is Philadelphia history.  Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with film production of the mars screenplay.   See it on oocities.com/mrfminc.

1888 history of Master Race From Mars Characters found by Colin Stewart, temple university graduate student, in Philadelphia.  Kathy Stewart, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Krantz helped with the feature film production.  This planet mars film and Sci-fi movie is Philadelphia history.  See it on oocities.com/mrfminc. 

1888 history, science story, sci-fi movie and Philadelphia film of Master Race From Mars Investigation by Colin Stewart, temple university graduate student.  Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with the mars movie film production.  This mars story, mars film, science fiction movie, Sci-fi movie, mars feature, mars story, documentary film, history film, Philadelphia film and science story from a mars screenplay is Philadelphia history  See oocities.com/mrfminc. 

 1888 history, sci-fi movie, feature film, film production, mars screenplay, science story, Philadelphia film of Master Race From Mars Film Artifacts found in Philadelphia by Colin Stewart, a temple university graduate student.  Kathy Krantz, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Stewart helped with the mars film production.  This mars movie and science fiction movie is Philadelphia history.  See it on oocities.com/mrfminc.

 1888 history, sci-fi movie, science story, documentary film, history film and Philadelphia film of Master Race From Mars contact Colin Stewart.  Discuss: mars film, Philadelphia history, science fiction movie, Sci-fi movie, mars feature, feature film, film production, mars movie, planet mars, history film, Philadelphia film, mars feature, mars screenplay, mars story, science story, documentary film, Colin Stewart, Dennis Tosten, Kathy Krantz, Kathy Stewart, 1888 history, temple University, graduate student film or any other topic.   See it on oocities.com/mrfminc.


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