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While you are in Hillsdale be sure to visit the R.C. Davis Chicken Barn Gallery.  Chris has an inate appreciation for the beauty of the natural landscape. He gives much of the credit to his Grandpa Ivy, a farmer and avid fisherman, for many of his fondest childhood memories.
Visit the Gallery!
Chris attended a small junior college for two years and opened a successful sign business, beginning his acquaintance with paint and imagery at age 21.  Becoming disenchanted with the commercial world after a failed marriage, he embarked on a "mission" to educate himself.  Having read a book on the life of Van Gogh, and after a visit to the National Gallery, Chris decided to become an artist.  Being totally self-taught, Chris considers himself to be a "polished country primitive" whose work appeals to an underlying spirituality of the viewer.  Chris lives with his wife Priscilla, in a home/studio they built themselves on the same ground he trod as a child, using his alloted time to sharpen his skill as a perceiving being and artist.

His beautiful rendition of ducks in flight was the 1998-1999 Louisiana Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Print.
For more information call 1-888-647-7848
or visit on-line at www.rcdavis.com by clicking above.
I chose these graphics because they remind me so much of his work.  He paints honeysuckle, magnolias and daylilies so real you want to pick them.  His paintings draw you back in time when life was lived in a more languid, unhurried manner.  A time when folks visited each other, passing the news by word of mouth.  He paints the plantation homes and you feel as though you are there, sitting on the verandah, smelling the sweet scent of the honeysuckle and enjoying the cool breeze as the sun goes down.  My personal favorite of his depicts a local house that sits in the middle of a field.  Known as the "Needham Place", it must have been so beautiful in it's time with the stately oaks and wide hallway going down the center of the house.  To one side sits the family cemetary, camellia bushes overgrowing the headstones which date back many years.  When you step up on the porch you can feel the history of it, sense the families that lived and loved in it.  He painted it with the sun going down in the field behind it and if you close your eyes......you're there.......
One of life's greatest treasures is the love that binds hearts together in friendship.
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