People Who Tend to Watch CatDog WAY Too Much

Our Mission

CatDog mania!

You know who you are, and you know that you watch CatDog.  Your close freinds and all your family say you're obsessed, but you know you're not. You can turn off the TV anytime. Besides, there's no such thing as too much CatDog.....I said that THERE'S NO SUCH FUCKING THING AS TOO MUCH CATDOG LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DONKEY-RAPING SHITEATERS AND LET ME WATCH!

PWTTWWTMC Message Board!

To tell the rest of the snotty no-good world to fuck off as we watch CatDog.

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Get a cat. And a dog. Slice and dice, then put 'em together! Weehee! You have a catdog! Now just run a couple hundred volts through it and you'll have a live pet! I would have one, but my mom won't let us have pets cuz my sister's scared of them.....

people watch WAYYYYYYY too much of the show

They're not your presidents' cats and dogs

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