The  Early Republic
How  Government Works
U.S.  Federal Government Agencies - the Web pages for all 3 branches, and  their departments.
American  Federalism
- a detailed article, aimed at the serious history student.
The  American Presidency
- by Grolier, articles on political parties from  the Anti-Masonics through the Whigs, and info on the Constitution, the  Bill of Rights, etc.  A GREAT source.
History  of the Supreme Court
: An easy-to-follow article
Articles  of Confederation
Articles  of Confederation vs the Constitution - a handy, concise chart comparing  the two
Weaknesses  of the Articles of Confederation
- a slide show outlining the problems.
Articles  of Confederation
: A handy list of facts about the A of C
Articles  of Confederation Essay
- An exploration of the A of C - good source!
The  Constitution
To  Form a More Perfect Union - the workings of the Continental Congress  and the Constitutional Convention
How  the Constitution improved on the Articles of Confederation

The  US Constitution Online
- Lots of info about what is and IS NOT in the  Constitution
Constitution  Facts
- EXCELLENT  site!  Info on the Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights,  the Constitution... Check it out!
Bill  of Rights
: From Grolier.  A detailed article.
The  Federalist Papers
The  Federalist Papers Online -All of the Federalist Papers, searchable.   Links to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence,  and the Anti-Federalist Papers
Federalist  Papers chat room
- need help?  post a question here..
The  Federalist papers Explained
- Outline of American History explores  these essays.
The  Federalist Papers
- A Slick page by James Madison University - very  good!
Federalist  Paper #1
:  The first essay, put into modern English
The  English Bill of Rights, 1689
: Excerpted from the original, a source  of our own Bill of Rights
Early  Presidencies
Jefferson  v. Adams - the first real 2-party election.  Very good analysis  of the election
Hamilton  vs Jefferson
- Their views on the common people
The  Whiskey Rebellion
- Essay and links exploring this first violent test  of government.
The  Federalist Era
: A powerpoint slide show with some details on the parties,  and Hamilton vs Jefferson.
Dave  Yu's AP History Guide
: Check out file 3 and the section on Hamilton  vs Jefferson (scroll down).  Lots of info here...
An  Outline of American History
: Lengthy article, with a section devoted  to the Hamilton-Jefferson controversy.
:  The Democratic-Republican Party.  Article about Jefferson's party,  and the key people in it.
:  An online quiz on the beginning of the political parties.
Important  People
George  Washington - Information from the Mount Vernon homepage
Alexander  Hamilton
- from his obscure birth to his tragic death, by An  Outline of American History
The  Burr-Hamilton Duel
- from
The  Duel
: From PBS, a Great site that explores Hamilton, Burr, and a tragic  shot.
John  Adams
- A bio brought to you by the White House.
- Jefferson's Home
Thomas  Jefferson
- a bio and timeline
Jeffersonian  Democracy
: An overview of Jefferson's political career
The  Philosopher President
- Explores Jefferson, focusing on the '96 and  '00 campaigns
Jeffersonian  Era
: A Powerpoint presentation on the nations' 3rd President.
Thomas  Jefferson on Politics and Government
: Direct quotes from the man himself!
James  Madison
- His bio, his writings, his involvement in the War of 1812
Thomas  Jefferson and Sally Hemings
- an essay, and assorted links.  With  music!
The  Jefferson Era: Expansion, and War on the Horizon
Lewis  and Clark - PBS Online's Awesome  site
Louisiana  Purchase
: A good overview from Gateway to New Orleans.
Go  West America
: National Geographic interactive site on Lewis and Clark
Discovering  Lewis and Clark
- Another stunning site, a prototype for a CD-ROM.   Excellent design.
Primary  Source documents
- a collection from the War of 1812. 
Marbury  v Madison
: This page contains some excellent info on a most important  case?
Madison:  Facing a Nation in Conflict
 The  War of 1812 - A comprehensive site that allows you to explore aspects  of the war.  Includes sounds, hands-on quizzes, and more!The  War of 1812 Website - A collection of articles about weapons, clothes,  and life - by reenactors.
Tippecanoe  and the Internet, Too
: A  site dedicated to the battle that led to 1812.
Battle  of New Orleans
: Jackson?s account to the secretary of war.
The  Hartford Convention
: the North considers secession!
Jackson: The Rise of the ?Common  Man?
Jacksonian  Democracy: Links for Mr. Horowitz?s history class. Start here!
Andrew  Jackson
: A summary of his life and political career, by Kids Almanac
The  Age of Jackson
: Created for a college course, with some good background  sections.
Jackson  Invents the Popular Will
: Argues that Jackson did NOT win by popular  vote in 1824 ? well reasoned.
American  Presidency
: Jackson?s speeches, major events, and key stats.   Great site!
The  Spoils System
: An article by
The  Bank War and the Politics of Class
: Very detailed, very advanced article.
American  Whig Party
:Read about the party  born from anti-Jackson sentiments?
Jackson?s  Indian Policy
:Read about Jackson?s  view of Native Americans, in his own words
Removal  of the Five Civilized Tribes
: Essay from Themestream
Indian  Removal Map
: See what lands were lost by the tribes, and where they  ended up.