It had to happen at some point and I guess now it has.  All websites must die at some point and I think the time has come for mine to be laid to rest.  A good site requires constant updates and a wealth of new material that I simply do not have.  Furthermore I've lost the passion I once had for playing with the net.  I will be back someday with a better site with a better concept and maybe it'll be a site that can live longer than this one.  I think it kicks ass that all of you visited my site and I really appreciate you taking the time to download all the epic pages and contribute in the ways that you have.  I'm glad I actually wrote down a journal for a couple months of my life, I've never had one and it'll be fun as hell looking back on those someday far removed from now.   I'm still basically incompetent at Webdesign and that's another major set back for making this site what I want it to be.  So for now, I bid you adieu, I've posted the last couple rants that have been sent in and will continue to post them if you keep sending them, but otherwise this site has run it's course and I'll just let it be.

Take care guys.