‘Oh my goodness’ said Mum ‘Look at this! The milkman’s left forty two bottles of milk. Run and catch him, Kim!’
I ran down the road, but I couldn’t see the milk float anywhere. When I came to the corner I saw..... 

a milkman with robbers around him. A robber was in an aeroplance. It had a funny black thing. A metal thing was coming down it was crouded with milk, forty two milk bottles. I went to Dad got 25 little aeoplanes, on the aeroplane. The aeroplanes where airborn. A man called Jack said “Bombs away chaps” And bombs fell out of the aeroplanes. I saw a BBC helecopter. The BBC helecopter was filming. I said to Jack ‘Why did you bang the bonbs hit the aroplane. Two parachutists jump from the hit aeroplane. I looked at Jack. When I look for parachutists. I saw a rescue helcopter the winchman caught the men. the helecopters (?mudd?) throws the POLICE helecopter and the winch man went up and the rotors were cut
(what a story )

                                        WHAT I HAD TO WORK WITH

‘Oh my goodness’ said Mum ‘Look at this! The milkman’s left forty two bottles of milk. Run and catch him, Kim!’
I ran down the road, but I couldn’t see the milk float anywhere. When I came to the corner I saw.....

a milkman with robbers roud him. A robber was in an aeroplance. It had a funne black fing. A metul fing was comeing down it was crawdid with milk forty two milk bottles. I went to Dad got 25 titeer aeoplanes, on the aeroplane. The aeroplanes wher airborn. A man called Jack said “Boms away chaps” And boms fell owt of the aeroplanes. I sor a BBC helecopter. The BBC helecopter was filming. I said to Jack ‘Wiy did you bang the bons hit the aroplane. Two parachutists jump from the hit aeroplane. I lucked at Jack. When I luck for parachutists. I saw a requ helcopter the finchman curt the men. the helecopters mudd troes the POLICE helecopter and the funch man went up and the rodus wer cut.

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