Posted: May 30, 2002

I've added a few of my movies to the
3DMM Cinema. So feel free to check those out. I'm having trouble getting screenshots of them though, that's why there is only one right now. Oh well. Maybe I'll add some more movies tomorrow. That's it for now.

Click to go to the 3D Movie Maker Cinema!
Click to go to the Age Of Kings Page!
Click to go to the Links Page!
Click to go to the Home Page!
Robbie's Place!
Posted: May 27, 2002

Hello and welcome to my web page! I just started so there's not much here yet. But soon there will be some 3D Movie Maker movies by me or my friends. Some strategies and recorded games for Age Of Kings. And much more! Have fun and enjoy your visit!

Robbie's Place Opens!
3DMM Cinema Updated
Posted: June 1, 2002

Yesterday I added two more of my movies to the
3DMM Cinema. The screenshots still aren't working though. I use Print Screen but when I copy the pic I just get black. Sorry about that. Geocities was messing up too. It was saying my 3DMM page didn't exist and some other crazy stuff. Anyway, it seems to be alright now. That's all for now!

3DMM Cinema Updated Again
people have been to this page!
Posted: June 13, 2002

Hey, I haven't updated for a while. I've added my latest movie to the
3DMM Cinema, Lava Lamps! The cinema page was getting too long so I've made a second cinema page, you'll find Lava Lamps in 3DMM Cinema 2. I've also displayed the file sizes of the movies for your convenience. The AOK page is finally updated. There's nothing there you can download yet but there's a form you can fill out if you'd like to vs. me on Age Of Kings. The form is kind of weird though. I have to click the top edge of the text fields for me to be able to type things. Maybe it's just my computer. Later!

AOK and 3DMM Cinema Update
What do you think of my page?
All questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome!