Hi! My name is Paula Lape I teach at Cassady Alternative Elementary in Columbus, Ohio.
Cassady is one of the many schools in the Columbus Public School District. Our school focus is in math and science education. If you were to visit our school you would see many cool science experiments and hands-on math activities. Every year we have a Fall Family Math & Science Night to encourage parents to be a part of their child's education. We also get to keep pets in our rooms, but be careful if your around our school there is no telling what you might see!! Currently we do not have a Cassady School Website, however this is my next project!(I'll keep you posted)
The Cassady Kindergarten Program
Cassady has three kindergarten classrooms each containing approximately twenty eight students. The kindergarten teaching team is always searching for new ways to best educate our students. So far we have found that a hands-on approach to learning is the best method to engage our students and create quality learning experiences!!
© 2000 site owned byPaula Lape