YES, that's right I AM a Princess....so kneel before me and I shall deem you worthy or not :-). Well, this is it.......MY HUMBLE ABODE. It's only taken me, ummmm FOREVER to do it, but C'est La Vie :-) So feel free to check it out and all the kewl stuff I may or may not be able to get you to. Sign my Guestbook at the bottom of this page and of course...this will forever be under construction! Wedding photos now available ;) Yes this Princess has found her Prince! But be patient, I have a lot of work ahead of me (getting it all together).OH yeah like i'll ever get it done. You should just look at some of our new house pictures.

This picture of me was taken at Cape Canaveral. I was in front of Shuttle Endevour and had the rush of seeing that launch!

Ok, here is a little bit bout me.......... I am a Computer Science Major, studied at DeAnza College off and on the past 14 years. One day I’ll get it together and graduate, hell I only have 4 classes to go!! I worked for Lockheed from 1989 until they laid me off in 1994, it made me a bit sad. I had an opportunity to go to school through the NOVAProgram that was offered and I decided it was time to grow up and pick a career. And gee, you'll never guess....I went through it again! This can happen to you if you are lucky enough to get laid off. National Semiconductor laid me off in July 98 and  I started school Sept 98 and trained to be a LAN Technician. I had a temp job at HP where I was a Project Manager for a Online Virtual Classroom...have been sitting at home on my butt since June 2000….no that’s not exactly true, lol. I am a Computer Consultant and had a client for 1 ½ years until August when we moved to Idaho.

I am a huge SF 49er Fan (win or lose). When I was in High School I was part of the Super Bowl Pre-Game at Stanford, you know the 1985 game against the Miami Dolphins...11 High School Bands formed this "Moving" Human American Flag. That was a blast, MY 15 Minutes of Fame....not only that, but I met OJ Simpson too...you know the one who "says" he's innocent...we know the truth tho!(ROFL).

I’m always online playing in my so feel free to send me one! Ok, i'm still looking for work so I thought I'd try those work from home deals...I have decided to try another program called MintMail...get paid for reading email...I know the MyPoints program works so here goes...check it out:

Places I hang out: ..... I use ICQ and can be reached on this UIN number: 1173788. You can page me online too (ooh, I can just feel you're excitement), lol.

...Don't be alarmed, I tend to change my nickname on there frequently :-) If you want the program (while it's free) you can download it here. 

You can earn points through the MyPoints program and then cash them in for things like $10 coupon for Chili's or something. I cashed in on 2 free tickets to Sea World and $50 in free gas when I went to Florida back in 2000. If you are interested in that click here: Join the MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards!I scanned this photo of me, it was taken on Jan 30, 97 (MY Bday) and I just decided to insert it here, since I had no idea where to put it. This was my "Bday Party".Yes,I felt like having a Birthday Party! What's wrong with that? 

Here are some things to explorewhile on the net......

These are some of my Friends…. This is what happens when you let myself and Sheila (2 single girls) out with no dates to keep us in-line - Yeah Right, as if that will ever happen! I’m married now and Frank still can’t keep control of me, haahaa. It’snot a good idea to upset me either, this is how I react.  Here is a picture of me and my friend Renee taken at the State Fair, what you thought we always looked like this? This is the man in my life! Ok, ok, here is the REAL manin my life :-) He's my Main Man.

Our Florida Vacation (Aug-Sept 97)

Sanchez Family Portraits (October 2001)

Sanchez Family Pet Album

I have this weird facination with the weather...check out some temps in my "now" local area: View Guestbook


Counterthis page created Jan 24, 1997. Page updated: December 8, 2001 

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