2nd Quarter Assignment Packets AP Chemistry |
November WORD OF THE DAY 11-07 IDIOM a phrase not to be taken literally; an expression whose meaning is not to be taken from the individual words but the phrase as a whole example: Its raining cats and dogs. 11-08 STOIC indifferent (at least outwardly) to pleasure or pain, joy or grief, fortune or misfortune; detached 11-09 IRASCIBLE bad tempered; irritable; easily provoked to anger 11-10 TENACIOUS tough; hard to defeat; determined; holding fast to an object or idea 11-14 CRYPTIC mysterious; mystifying; puzzling; secret; mystical 11-15 UNIFORM (adj.) consistent; unchanging; the same for everyone; example a uniform building code; (noun) an identifying outfit worn by members of an organization or group 11-16 FICKLE likely to change; unpredictable, like fickle weather; changing due to a sudden whim 11-17 VIRTUOSO a masterful musician; a masterful practitioner who has special knowledge or skill in some field, such as music, art, culture, etc. 11-21 NEUTRAL not taking sides; unbiased; objective 11-22 TREPIDATION fear; apprehension; nervous trembling 11-28 LETHARGY laziness; drowsiness; indifference; sluggishness 11-29 FLAGRANT shocking; outstandingly bad; something offensive that cant be overlooked 11-30 APPEASE to soothe; to calm or make peaceful; to pacify 12-01 ACQUIESCE to consent; to agree; to yield; to give in 12-02 (review of weeks words) |
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