Letter to Parents
To:       Parents of prospective A.P. Chemistry students
From:   Mr. Schuett A.P. Chemistry Teacher
Re:       Criteria for placement in A.P. Chemistry

Your son/daughter is interested in taking A.P. Chemistry next school year.  This course is a college level course and carries a higher GPA value than any other high school course.  It requires more outside study and critical thinking than most courses.  Chemistry is also very different than most courses in that the students will need to have excellent math skills.  For these reasons, the course will be challenging.  However, chemistry has been one of the most difficult courses for college freshmen.  This course will allow students to have an easier experience with college chemistry. In order to select this course,  students must absolutely have at least a 3.5 GPA in their honors chemistry course as well as having a 3.0 GPA  in their previous mathematics class.  I encourage students to sign up for this course.  Please speak to students who have previously taken the course so you get an idea on how difficult the course work will be for your son or daughter.  There will be a summer assignment that will need to be completed before school begins in August.  More information about AP Chemistry can be found on my web page:  www.oocities.org/mrschuett

Parent/Guardian approval

Dear Mr. Schuett,

    I understand that AP Chemistry is a course that may lead to college credit.  As such, it is a much more intense course than Honors Chemistry and will include outside study and possible tutoring.  I agree to allow my son/daughter to apply for the course.  I understand that completing this application does not guarantee that my son/daughter will be enrolled in the course.  The student must meet minimum criteria for the course.  I also understand that if my son/daughter is selected for the course, he/she will not be allowed to drop the course after the school year has started.

        Parent/Guardian Signature      Date