Grading Policy
Chemistry grades will be determined as follows:

1.  50% tests
2.  50% assignments ( homework and labs )
      a.)  A chemistry notebook, containing only lecture notes, will count as one homework grade.  These notes may be down loaded from my web page or hand written in class.  If the notes are downloaded, they must be brought to  class on the day of the lecture so that added material given in class will appear in these lecture notes for your final grade.
Grades will be posted on the bulletin board by student number.  The grading scale will also be on the bulletin board.  It is located in your student handbook. 
Working together with other chem students on homework is permitted.  However, make sure all material is well understood for test days.  I expect students to work totally independent of other students on test days.  No notes are allowed for tests.  Needless to say, absolute honesty is demanded of Pre-Medicine Chemistry and Honors Chemistry students. Someones life might depend on it someday in your chosen life's work..