Terminator 3:
Rise of the Machines
"Proud to call a Terminator sequel!"
       Expectations for this movie are really high. Can it live up to the second? Well 12 years and $180 million later I found out Tuesday at 8 for special preview.
         Anyway, John Conner is living “off the grid” no credit cards or stuff like that. Nothing that puts his name in databases or something like that. He works at day labor type things. Judgment Day didn’t happen, 1997 has passed, Sky Net has not become self-aware. The terminators arrive. The way Arnold gets his cloths is really funny. The TX’s mission is to kill John Conner and his future Lieutenants. Arnolds mission is to protect John Conner and Claire Dane’s character. The T-X ‘s outside is like the T-1000, liquid metal and can grow back when hit with bullets or something. Her endoskeleton is like a regular terminator. You get to see what the inside of Arnolds abdomen is. He also is smarter than the previous one. He knows psychology. There were actually a lot of laughs in the movie. Many catch phrases that may become popular.  The story pretty much follows the outline of the second pretty much. I would reveal more, but Brian probably wouldn’t like that ;?) Oh yeah and Claire Dane's doesn't scream nearly as much as I was expecting.
            The plot is much more expanded than the Matrix Reloaded expanded its. The ending, I could not say what happens. It was actually what I thought would happen from looking at the trailers, for those of you who haven’t really been paying attention, its got a surprising ending that is good. The acting was not the same caliber of Terminator 2, it had a bit of a commercial feel from the characters in it for a few lines. The action is wonderfully filmed with wide shots and stuff. Destructible sets, make up effects, and CG effects are really good. The liquid metal of the T-X doesn’t look quite as good as the T-1000.  The “termination” of the T-X seemed a little underdone. It also loses the boy and his terminator thing. They don’t have the same relationship.
             It’s not the achievement that Terminator 2 was (Which is nearly untouchable), but it’s not a disappointment at all. It is worthy to be called Terminator 3. This is not a Men in Black 2, this is a Rush Hour 2.