The Literacy Library
SOAR Books
For term 1, the students are required to read one book of their choice that is not in a genre they have already read this year.  The book must also be on or above their current grade level, and it must be a book the student has not read before.  All choices must be approved by Ms. Desjarlais. 

Each day the students have silent reading time.  I encourage them to use this time to work on their SOAR book, but I leave the final decision up to them.  The students have received the explanation for the write-up for the SOAR, and you can also access it through the link below.

Book choice due:
, 2008

Finish reading book by:
, 2008

Rough draft due by:
, 2008

Final draft due by:
, 2008

SOAR Explanation

Useful links:
Vocabulary words
Classics list
Bloom's Info.
AHS Homepage

E-mail me!
Please keep in mind that I cannot access my e-mail from home, so I won't get your e-mail until the next school day at the earliest.
Literacy Supplies
Students in my literacy class need to have the following materials:
a blue, 1", 3 ring binder
loose leaf paper
composition journal (marble notebook) *this can be the one from last year
a flashdrive (recommended)

The binders may go home, but they need to come to class everyday.  Folders will be kept in the binders.  The composition notebooks also may go home on occasion, but they need to come back the next day.
Thank you!
Grammar Game Sites

Quia:  Rags to Riches
Quia:  Matching
iKnow that