Accelerated Reader at Ft. Wright Elementary





Accelerated Reader is a program meant to encourage children to read. Students can read specially marked books from our school library and then take computerized comprehension tests. Students earn points for tests they pass, and can use the points to “buy” prizes from the AR store.  We also feature students who attain goals based on their grade level by putting their picture on the AR Wall of Fame in the library media center.


Kindergarten  =  5 points

1st grade  =  5 points

2nd grade =  10 points

3rd grade  =  15 points

4th grade  =  20 points

5th grade  =  25 points


Students who double the needed points will move to the Silver Medal group, and those that triple their points will move to the Gold Medal group. Only points earned this school year are applicable to this year’s Wall of Fame. (If students have points from other school years that have not been spent, those points may still be added to and used to buy prizes.)


The updated lists of Ft. Wright’s Accelerated Reader tests, (sorted by title and reading level) are now available on the Web, by visiting the Ft. Wright Elementary Webpage:

clicking “Staff Pages” and then “Library”.  These lists are also available for reference at each of the Kenton County Public Library branches. If you have Microsoft Excel on your home computer and would like a copy of our Accelerated Reader Test list that can be sorted by title, author, or reading level, please email me or send in a blank floppy disk with your child. I will email the list to you or load the test list onto the floppy disk and return it via your child.  Ft. Wright has now purchased 4443 quizzes, so the list is quite long, and this will save a great many trees!


Beginning with September, the top primary point earner and top intermediate point earner for each month will be featured as our next two reading “celebrities”! Reading celebrities will pose for a special poster type picture that will hang in the hallway near the office for one month, before being posted in the library for the remainder of the year.  These posters are based on the American Library Association’s celebrity READ posters often seen in public libraries. 


**Kindergarten students are participating in several lessons regarding proper care of library books and will begin to check books out in October.


Mrs. Glaza