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of other stuff that wouldn't fit anywhere else
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Some Web Contributions by me... (I can't store it all here at the same time!) Over the years I guess I've done a lot of writing and contributing to other webpages before I got to doing my own. Actually, I searched on Google with my name, got 1260 hits, and these are the results of searching all of them, ones with stuff I remember doing and either actually sent the info in myself or was borrowed from another place on or off the web. I hope none of the owners of these pages mind me putting links here, but then you do have something I wrote on there. Thank you for using it!
- SPACE NEWSLETTER September 1996
Something about Internet and email I wrote while I still had internet email available to my Atari 8-bit through a local BBS system I subscribed to.
- Best Songs Medley
A friend contributed this to a website (with my permission) for Sailor Moon musical song translations I did.
- Anime Super Famicom: Wedding Peach
Soon after I won the Super Famicom Wedding Peach game from an Ebay auction, I translated the game manual and then went online to find info about it (tricks and secrets). Instead I found myself on Major Tom's page about anime games for the Super Famicom (aka SNES, Super Nintendo). I reviewed the game and sent him a copy of the manual translation. I hope to update that someday.
- Jaguar Tips & Tricks: Space Ace Walk Thru
From 1996, posted to the Atari ST fidonet echo, and submitted to this page by friend Fred Horvat, is my walkthrough of moves for the JagCD version of Space Ace. I have since updated this a bit. I should send in the updated copy.
Taken from an appearance in the 2600 Connection newsletter is my tip on Activision's Spider Fighter.
- Sho Hi Ai ~Fire Soul Love~ | Holy Flame Love ~Fire Soul Love~
An early song lyric I translated. Actually they have the kanji readings wrong (still), and the text as posted needs a PLAINTEXT html tag, because much of the kanji romanizations disappear due to the way I was writing things with my Atari 8-bit at the time. You'll need to save the source HTML to see everything. ^_^ I sent this to the website owner, intending for it to be the ONLY translation for this song, and it was put up separately at my request when I found my name associated with another's inferior translation of the same song.
- La Soldier
A friend found this website and asked the owner if they'd like good translations of the songs from one of the Sailor Moon musicals. then he asked me if they could be up - I said OK, but they have to use my translations only - no other names associated with them, and use all my translations for the same musical. I'm glad the owner decided to use all of my work instead of associating my name with another's. I did a bunch of them in 2 short weeks with the help of Mike D. who sent me the material to work from. ^_^
- Seramyu Project
This used to be a Spaceports page, now updated to a Geocities URL. My name is mentioned here in association with a supposed subbing script I had no idea I contributed to.
- Cheek.Org - Atari Jaguar Braindead 13 CD
Troy Cheek is a big Atari supporter. Here's a page with a trick I discovered with the Braindead 13 JagCD game.
Another blurb lifted from the pages of the 2600 Connection is one I wrote about cleaning the paddle controllers for the 2600.
- Bakayarou Hunter Song Translations ~
Beware of Tripod's pop ups on this one. For some reason, my name is yet again associated with another's inaccurate translation for Sailor Mars' image song "Fire Soul Love", which the kanji are "Hii" for fire, "Sei" for "Soul", and "Ai" for love, and mysteriously, I'm given credit for the English lyrics at the end. My more accurate translation isn't even used.
I have no idea where Digital Press got this from me, perhaps I wrote this in for the 2600 Connection and they borrowed it? Anywho, after finally getting the Atari 2600 version of Xenophobe (a coin-op game I played only when I got it for the Lynx ^_^) I guess I discovered something that wasn't covered in the game manual.
- CAIN Newsletters: CAIN Newsletter: 15-Sep-94 #0106
When I attended a CAIN show thingy on behalf of the 2600 Connection newsletter, I luckily won one of the drawings I entered. This is a copy of the newsletter saying I won a Jaguar hat and a gift certificate. Um... I got the hat, what happened to the gift certificate? I don't remember that part... T.T
- International Dubs
I must offer apologies to a friend in Italy for this page. I am incorrectly given credit for translating the opening songs used in the Italian dub of Sailor Moon. I want to make it clear I did not translate those... My original page does clearly state who did!!!
- Italy - Petali di stelle
Yes, I did email the website owner, but I have not received a reply nor do I think anything was done about the error.
- Joy's Japanimation - CDs - Magic Knight Rayearth
I sent a bunch of translated and romanized track listings of many anime CDs I bought from her some time around Thansgiving in 1999, and I think it took her a lot longer than I expected for her to get the info on her website, but I'm glad it's there, even if there's more typos than I remember being in the files I sent her. I might contact her about the errors to see if I can get them fixed. ^_^
- Fire Soul Love
I still keep finding pages with my translation for Fire Soul Love on them! This isn't 100% in keeping with my original text, but it does have signature phrases from my work that I definitely recognize. I prefer my original translation be used entirely and not rewritten or adapted as it seems to be here. Wierd floating box of something on this page when viewed with Internet Exploder.
- 775.txt
Wow. I like don't remember proof reading this Sailor Moon fanfiction story but it was sometime during 1996 for someone on Fidonet. I should try out the email address to see if the person is still using it. And yes! I finally found not 1, but 2 Sailor Moon watches!!
- Spaceports
Oh criky!! Yet another page with my name associated with another's very bad and crappy translation of Mars' "Fire Soul Love" song. Let me say this - This page is definitely none of my doing, and the other name listed is to be blamed for the crappy translation!! While they can't translate, they should be given credit for the ending which is in spoken English and I couldn't figure it all out. WebTV users be warned: Your terminal may suddenly get shut off by this page, so load it with that in mind.
- L10
And finally! Yet another page with my translation of Fire Soul Love. I had no idea that when I did this song translation my name or even my mostly intact work would get this far across the net. I guess there's plenty of Sailor Mars fans. This page is probably the most interesting and ambitious one of them all: A nice red background, and even a picture of Mars herself in the background. The text color needs to be changed to white to make this page completely work right, and perhaps a little formatting adjustment to make it read nicely. ^_^ My translation remained about 98% intact on this one.
Click the pic of the swimsuit babe and see - Nabiki's incredible high neck, backless, one-piece swimsuit!! I think it's a deep dark brown. But man, you won't forget it! EVER! I did some captures and snappies from an episode of Ranma 1/2 most U.S. fans haven't seen yet on subtitled VHS. ^_^ (Yes, I know there's been a DVD release, but it's gawdawful. Nothing will ever replace digitally mastered VHS!!)
By the way... this is a Geocities web page. (Try not to access them too much because they allow only so much access per hour and per month for some reason.)
Somehow, I still continue to make small changes and additions. I now have a Dreambook guest book. Check it out! Please sign it, so I have some vague idea of the people who look at this place... T.T
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!