About Mrs. Ku Tutoring 1151 E. Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel, CA (626)309-1588 |
Mrs. Ku Tutoring was started in 2000 and provides tutoring services for students ranging from first through twelth grades. We specialize in high school science tutoring and offer a variety of classes in Advanced Placement and SAT I/II help. We have an amazing track record due to the hard work of our students and teachers, with over 95% of all students obtaining a passing score or above on the Advanced Placement exam, and over 95% scoring 700 or higher on the SAT II exams. We offer our unparalleled experience and expertise in teaching students effectively, and we are proud of the accomplishments of all our students over the last seven years. We look forward to meeting you and helping you succeed on the road to college! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
After APs -the best KuKids! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Links: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Schedules/Available Classes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AP Chemistry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AP Biology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AP Psychology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
SAT I | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
SAT II | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
AP/SAT II Scores 2006 - Congratulations on a 100% Pass Rate (All scores are reported regardless of results- names have been scrambled to protect the privacy of our students) AP Chemistry/ AP BIology/ AP SAT II Chem SAT II Biology Psychology LT 800/5 TB 800/5 TH 720/5 LS 5 LB 800/5 SN 790/5 HL 700/5 HL 5 MJ 790/5 SA 780/5 TL 700/4 WJ 5 WJ 790/5 LS 780/5 PJ 680/5 TB 5 CD 790/5 CC 780/5 WR 680/4 DD 5 HJ 770/5 IR 780/5 CY 740 ZS 4 CC 770/5 HD 770/5 CA&20/5 WA 4 KM 760/3 WD 750/5 CA 740/5 KM 3 YC 750/5 WI 750/5 LB 3 HT 750/4 LJ 740/5 WT 730/5 WA 740/5 |
QUESTIONS?? E-mail us at mrskututoring @yahoo.com |
SAT I Results 2006 Congrats Class!!!! SL 2230 JL 2110 CC 2220 AC 2160 SL 2190 DW 1820 AC 2170 EL 1800 |