General Course Description
Students will learn basic elements of art and principles of design through use of medias such as pencil, pastel, watercolor, colored pencil and collage to create 2-dimensional art works. Students will explore art movements and artists from throughout history and various cultures.

$45 lab fee (Check to NHHS or Cash) includes sketchbook and supplies for student use (some they keep, some stay in classroom).

Expected Student Behavior:
Pay close attention during instruction  Utilizes class time  Turn in assignments on time
Respect for classroom, materials, & peers Positive Attitude  No cell phones
No unexcused absences or tardies  Keep all work in cubby  No work from other classes
No abusing supplies or equipment  No eating or drinking  No foul language

Deviance from expected behavior will be dealt with according to school policy. See your student handbook for details.

In-Class Assignments:  Projects are assigned with a variety of time lengths for completion. Due dates and point values are always given at the time of the assignment, no surprises. Because some people work faster or slower than others, students will have one week after the assigned due date to turn in assignments without penalty. After that, students have until the end of the quarter in progress to turn in late work for no better than a “C” grade. If a student needs extra help on an assignment, I will be happy to make appointments for out of class assistance.

Homework: A list of assignments will be given at the beginning of each quarter. Consecutive assignments are due at the start of the class on the last class meeting of the week (Thurs or Fri). Late assignments will be accepted until the end of the quarter for no better than a “C” grade.
In Class “Daily Sketchbooks”: On block schedule days, the first 20 minutes of class will be spent drawing in sketchbooks. Two “Daily Sketches” are due per week, regardless of attendance.  Daily Sketch Stamp Sheets are collected at the end of each quarter.

Extra Credit:  A maximum of 50 points extra credit may be earned PER semester (the equivalent of one class project). A list of extra credit opportunities will be posted in the classroom. In addition to the list, other extra credit opportunities may arise throughout the year.

Grading: Student grades will be determined by their percentage of the total points possible at the end of each quarter and semester.  Class projects make up about 60% of the points, Sketchbooks roughly 20%, Participation and work habits – 10%, Final Exam – 10%.

Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester that will cover the elements and principles of design and how they relate to the projects completed in class, as well as concepts covered in sketchbook assignments. Also at the end of each semester students will complete a “Personal Critique” in order to recognize strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth in their portfolio.

Key Content Standards:
1. Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the environment. They also use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations
2. Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art.
3. Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the visual arts and artists.
4. Students analyze, assess an derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, the principles of design and aesthetic qualities.
5. Students apply what they learned in the visual arts across subject areas. They develop competencies and creative skills in problem solving, communication, and management of time and resources that contribute to lifelong learning and career skills.  They also learn about careers in and related to the visual arts.