Grimmer Middle School
Schererville, IN
Phone Number: 865-6985
Mrs. Parish's Extension: 264
2004-2005 School Year
This website is specifically designed for the students
in Mrs. Parish's 6th grade English, 8th grade English,
and 8th grade reading classes. This site is full of
useful and interesting information. Have fun navigating
through it!! Feel free to contact Mrs. Parish by clicking
on the appropriate email link at the bottom of the page.
Click on your subject to find the daily agenda, homework,
"warm up" activities, notes, and useful links. Be sure
to watch for links within the daily agenda. These
are websites that might prove helpful or interesting
that relate to the day's activities.
ENGLISh, 8th Grade
READING, 8th grade
ENGLISh, 6th Grade
To learn more about Mrs. Parish, click on the
link to access her biography.
Mrs. Parish is very proud of her son!
He was born on January 13th, 2004. If you would like
to see pictures, click on the link below!!
6th grade 8th grade