Certified Classroom Teacher
Read this page to learn more about me.  Then click on the links to check out some of my lessons and classroom goodies.  You will find them fun and interesting.
My name is Mrs. Rector.  I am married, have three children; two boys and a girl; and two grandchildren--one boy and one girl.  I have lived in two foreign countries, France and Germany.  I went to school in both countries, where I learned a little German and even less French!  I have also lived in several different states.  Some of these are Maryland, Colorado, and New Jersey.  I have visited other states such as California, Wyoming and Florida.  I am very glad to be your teacher this year and I am sure you will all be successful in our room of friends.
Related Links:
Word Games
Learn new languages
Experiments and Activities
Lesson Plan and Goody Links:
Microwave Ice Cube
Bring a Smile Home
Documents and Websites
My Resume
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Homework Passes and Tickets
This is how I feel about my classroom, all bright and happy!  I love to learn new things, don't you?
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