Welcome to Chihuahua Lover's Website!
Invite You to Read the True, Exciting Stories about their Adventures as Two Tri-colored Chihuahuas!
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"Chihuahuas are like dog biscuits,
you just can't have one!"
As I was sitting here, in front of the computer, I began thinking of how my love of dogs started. Some of my fondest memories of growing up was the times I spent with the farm animals on our landlord's property, especially the numerous dogs. After playing with two of the neighbor's Chihuahuas almost every day for about a year,
I received the one male Chihuahua for my birthday.
That was only the beginning. Several years later, this Chihuahua, named Bo, became the father of five puppies. We loved his look-a-like daughter, whom we named "Boquet", so much that we decided to have two dogs.
But, the story doesn't end there...