Mrs. Yuenger's Class Pages
Welcome to Mrs. Yuenger's class pages!
Here, you'll find important dates you
should know about, as well as assignments for the week, what's going on in
class, as well as links for things on the web that might help you out in class.
Check out the information often, as it will change every week. (Ideally, I hope
to update every Saturday.) This page does use frames to look extra cool, but
your browser doesn't support them. The links are now at the bottom of the page.
As you can see below, I have two
"solo weeks" when I will be taking over the schedules of my cooperating
teachers. For these weeks, I will have the classwork posted for all my classes,
not just the two I usually teach. If you are in the class that I don't see that
week, and need make-up work, please e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon
as I can with make-up.
Use this yourself, share with your
parents, and good luck in your class!
If you need to reach me, please e-mail at
Also, while finishing my Education degree
at UNH, I will be presenting a colloquium on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
and how they are used and can be used in class. Additional information on this
topic is found under the link Multiple Intelligences.
Check it out!
To make this page look really cool,
click here to download the fonts I'm using. Unzip them
into your Fonts folder (in Windows), then re-open Explorer and come back!