His new release "MUSEUM" is now available!!

"Great original music. Tom's songs are a powerful amalgam of African
rhythm and poetic sensibility. They have the quality of drama - the emotion is
authentic and the performance is passionate."

Stuart Rosenburg

Also available - T.Y.'s 1999 CD - "You Put Your Whole Self In/Out"

"Amazing CD" - Gregg Shapiro, The Windy City Times

To purchase Tom's new CD "MUSEUM" or "YOU PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF IN" by credit card:

(this part not functioning quite yet....check back soon!)

Click oCn CDBABY logo to purchase MUSEUM BUY the CD!

Click oCn CDBABY logo to purchase YOU PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF IN BUY the CD!


To purchase a CD by check or mondey order, send $10 (+ $1 shipping) to:

Leather/Western Records

P.O.Box 11980

Chicago, Il