The MRT Training Company Limited
A Wales based UK wide organisation specialising in Staff Training and Development
Welcome to a new and innovative organisation that aims to  meet your staff and service development needs!
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The MRT Training Company offers a range of learning opportunities for your employees and managers, designed to make your business more efficient and more effective.

We specialise in the Personal Safety of the Workforce, Health & Safety, People skills and social care skills training
Mike Redworth, Company Director
Mike has over 25 years experience in Social Care in the UK. He has worked in Health, Day and Residential services and Human Resources
His qualifications are: RMN,RGN,PGCE(Ed & Training), Post Graduate Diploma in Collaborative Community Care.Mike is also an accredited Personal Safety Tutor and  Associate Member Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
MRT provides 'off the shelf' training or is expert in designing training events specifically for your organisation.

Areas of specialism are:

Personal Safety of the Work Force

Equal Opportunities

Health & Safety

People Skills
Social Care skills

National Vocational Qualifications in Care

[Click on the
links above to go to the relevant page]
MRT is able to design and produce video training packages
To find out how MRT can help your business:

Phone/Fax: +44 (0) 1978 290888
Mobile: 07715 663226
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