A sample of the Personal Safety Workshops available from the MRT Training Company Limited.
We are able to design to your own needs - Please contact us
PSF 1                               INTRODUCTION TO VIOLENCE AT WORK   2.5 HOURS
This course aims to increase awareness of the problem of violence at work and how employees can keep safe from violence of all types whilst at work.  It is suitable for all employees  from inductees to well established personnel
For further information about these courses please email MRT quoting the appropriate PSF Code
PSF 2             The Manager's Role in Preventing Violence at Work     4 hours
This event will ensure that manager's are aware of their social and legal duties and responsibilities to your organisation and its employees in ensuring their safety from violence and abuse at work. It is aimed at first, middle and senior managers.
PSF 3        Looking After Yourself - Tension and Relaxation               1 day
This day will assist you and your employees to learn techniques that will control tension when faced with angry situations.
Aggression faced with aggression WILL lead to violence ~ by controlling our tension we can avoid meeting aggressive incidents head on.
The day is suitable for all managers and employees of your organisation.
PSF 4                   Coping with Violence        1 day with follow up sessions
This suite of training will provide participants will practical knowledge and skills on issues surrounding how to cope with a violent attack. From tension control to disengagement techniques and follow up support. This training is invaluable to everyone who faces day to day danger from physical and emotional violence.
Further follow up sessions and refreshers are arranged to supplement the first
day of training
PSF 5                                  Communication Skills                               1 Day
The use of appropriate communication in avoiding aggression is paramount. This programme will help participants to understand and practice verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Closely following the Helping model  of listening, participants will enjoy practising their skills in set scenarios.
PSF6        Developing Policy and Guidelines to combat Violence at Work.
2 Days

Aimed at policymakers, managers or others involved in strategic planning for violence at work, this two day course will encourage and assist the formulation of policy and plans aimed at keeping your employees safe at work. It is appropriate for training personnel, Health & Safety representatives as well as Union respresentatives.
PSF7                         Practical Steps to Safety                         1 Day

This workshop is designed to provide participants with practical knowledge of steps
that they can take when dealing with particular client groups. It is  styled so that
   the first part of the course is generic in nature and the second part is aimed at specific client groups
PSF 8                              Personal Safety Awareness                           1 Day
This day aims to give people an awareness of and an opportunity to gather
   practical knowledge in order to enable them to stay safe from violence and aggression in their day to day lives as well as at work
Should none of the learning opportunities above not meet your needs          please contact MRT. We will endeavour to design custom workshops
that will help you to move your organisation to a safer way of
against violence and aggression.

Telephone: +44 (0)1978 290888   Mobile: 07715 633226
E-mail info@mrtwrexham.fsnet.co.uk