    Relativism has been around for a long time; it comes in many different varieties.  For my purposes, I shall limit my discussion to two varieties of relativism.  Pure relativism and moral relativism.  Pure relativism claims that all truth is relative to the culture or individual.  In other words, if one believes x to be true, x is true... for you (or your culture, and by implication, you as a member of your culture).  I have argued with pure relativists and they have been quite convinced of the truth of their position (no pun intended).  The problem is that some beliefs of an individual or culture can be wrong.  If an individual or culture believes the earth is flat, according to the relativist, the earth is actually flat... for him/her.  Meanwhile, another individual believes the earth is spherical; the earth is spherical... for him.  This is absurd.  The earth is either one way or the other... not both.  For the record, Plato killed pure relativism about twenty-four hundred years ago.  Not that anyone pays attention to philosophers. Basically, it's an irrational position.
     Now we move on to moral relativism.  I don't think Plato recognized the distinction between moral relativism and pure relativism in his time, and neither did I in my college days.  Moral relativism limits its scope to moral truth.  It claims that all
moral truth is relative to the individual or the culture.  Follow.  Sex isn't right or wrong.  Sex is wrong for Christians, and okay for others.  Abortion is wrong for this person, but okay for this person.  And logically, murder is wrong for this person and okay for this person.  I'm sure examples one and two are charmingly seductive for some people, but example three should just scream...  "Mistake."  Unless you really want to justify the beliefs of a serial killer,  moral relativism has got to go.  Looking at cultures, you run into the same problem; the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice, the Nazi's slaughtered Jews.  Moral relativism gives you no ground to criticize either culture.  The world is a better place now that human sacrifice has been relegated to the past.  The world is a better place now that people of any particular religion are not herded together like cattle and slaughtered.
     The problem that leads to relativism, as I understand it, involves the
enculteration thesis.  The above constitute the counterexamples that plague moral relativism.  Another strong objection is the learning objection.
Long Live Socrates and the Eternal Search for Truth.  Death to Relativism in all its hideous guises.
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