Blah, blah, blah...
By Wendy

This is something new I'm going to's going to be a page of me basically babbling...because I have a study hall every morning for..count them, 90 minutes! So doing homework is usually out of the question for 90 mins, and it's really hard to sleep in the library with classes & people coming in and out, so I have resorted to babbling to myself, which then in turn goes to you, the internet society that reads my page...the few that you are. So here, enjoy the first of what will soon be many rambling... Wendy - 9/22/98

Well, it is less than a week till Homecoming, I'm very excited. My boyfriend is coming down and we're going dancing and then out afterwards...*s* And the other thing I realized is that I'm going to see Ted 4 weekends in a row! Ah! can you even imagine how happy I am? *sigh* No you can't, but that's okay, you can't understands but you can always empathize. yeah yeah yeah, babble babble...that's me...Okay, now I'm gonna tell you about what I'm wearing for homecoming because I'm really excited about it.
First of all, I'm wearing a long sleeve fishnet shirt, it's like you're wearing a shirt, but you'r not...hee hee hee And then over that I have a plaid sleeveless jumper, it laces up the front about 4 inches, it has a slit up the front of each leg which is just dropped back material, on each slit are two big metal pins. As my mom is always saying she thinks it's too short, but I think it' just fine, it's shorter than most skirts I wear but I like it! Oh, and to top off the whole outfit, I bought these black heels...when I got them home I decided to measure them, and I found out that they're four inch heels...4 INCHES! Oh yeah baby! And they make my legs look good! hee hee hee Needless to say my mother didn't like it too much. But I think I don't care really and I'm gonna be wearing them next saturday...*g* Maybe I'll post a picture when I get them back. hmmm, well, time for me to go to bed, I'm tired...g'night and laters. Wendy - 10/11/98

La dee da...I'm in descrete math right now...and you might be saying, what the hell is that? Well, we do mathmatical equations with fractals, iterations, and other fun things like that. It's a blast, let me tell you. And we're not doing anything right now so I'm just writting here, filling up space. The count down has begun, 4 days til homecoming! and so it has begun... Wendy - 10/13/98

Study Hall, two days till homecoming...
Yeah, like that's all I'd write...hee hee hee, College applications are starting to get me down, too much paper work! Blaugh! But my mom is helping me a lot with it so it's not too bad. But it's so hard to try to figure out where I want to go when I don't even know what I want to do?! Because I don't know what's out there for me to do...*sigh* Such is the pre-college life...I'll probably end up changing my major five times! HA, that's be funny, I'll probably end up being a vet or something. Who knows... Wendy - 10/15/98

Well, well, day till the dance, the homecoming game is tonight and that should be an adventure in itself. I have play practice, then pep band and then I have stuff to do after the game also... And I don't even get to sleep in that much saturday! I have to be up and awake by 10:30 because my boy is coming down to go the the dance with me! *g* We're all meeting at my house saturday afternoon, ordering pizza, eating in and watching movies, and then getting ready there and going to the dance...much easier and cheeper than going out before... We're hitting perkins afterwards. I'll probably be babbling about the dance and everything at a later date anyways so I'm going to leave you here for now...have a nice day... Wendy - 10/16/98

Well, it's wednesday and it's after's the rundown. The DJ was lame, bad music, but we danced anyways and had a fun time. Ted looked hot! hee hee hee, I had a bunch of my friends come up to me later and tell me he was cute! The dance started late, ended early, we ended up going out to Perkins afterwards, stayed up was a good night...*g* I'll tell more about it later... Wendy - 10/21/98

Wow, it's been a while...I now have actual classes and I've been extremely busy with the 3-act play I'm in so I haven't had much time to write...yeah yeah yeah, poor me, I know...
I have a class on the media which is really fun so far, and Econ so that should be good. I have Advanced Photography right now so I have a little extra time... The Play I'm in opens tonight, Raven and I got the two females leads, we each have over 200 lines, I'm really proud of both of us. But alas, I must away and get some "work" done and prepare myself for's called sleep, I need more of it. Wendy - 11/6/98

Today is a half day and St. Patricks day to boot. Next Thursday I'm leaving for NY with the band and choir, last week I fractured a tooth, wow, that's life though. My life is busy, can't talk, the bell rang, type more later... Wendy - 3/17/99

Hell life has been strange lately! well let's see...Ted and I broke up, Iwon't even get into's long... but we're still friends. He's in NY for school...I'm in WI, getting ready for school up at UW Stevens Point. I've been meeting some people lately, it's been fun. I started a new job at BlueCross & BlueShield, the regional office is here in town.
I went to NY the first time, had a blast...saw Phantom, it was amazing. I can't even describe it. saw the sites, did the stuff, it was wonderful. Went back a few weeks ago. that was quite good also. short, but fun...I saw Rent. I cried so much! ah! it's so great, but so sad at times.
so that's how it's been ...crazy
I'm liking it all though, it suits me well. *grin* oh, I got rollerblades! I love them so much. I blade about every other day. much fun.
I'm going to try to upload some pictures, laters. Wendy - 9/10/98

Whoa baby! how the time does fly! I am leaving for college in less than a month, UW Stevens Point, still haven't talked to my roommate, but we'll stop playing phone tag one of these days and connect....hopefully! I've been working and playing all summer. Stone Fox had a gig at the Bakers Company Picnic, and we got paid! woo! and free t-shirts! you gotta love that!
I got a new computer, and iMac. Her name is iWen. and she's a fast little bugger! Ron and I just installed 64 Ram into her! and it only took us 25 mins! I have cracked the case, and I'm proud of it!
So life...not too bad. I got my final bridge put on my teeth, it looks good and I'm getting used to it. I might go to a ska concert next friday... I've seen The Blair Witch Project 2 times... life is good.
I must be going, i have a Stanley Kubrick movie party at my house tonight... laters... Wendy - 8/4/99

So life is fun, and frustrating but beautiful in the end. I'm up in Stevens Point now, going to school and having fun. I miss a lot of people...Raven, Nik, Julie, Ben, Adam, Colin, Miranda, Libby, Amy...yeah, all those and more...
but I'm dealing with it...I have someone in my life now that I care about deeply and I can say I'm very much in love. But as fate would have it... he's now in Philedelphia... damned fate! Ah, I'll beat it! I always do...I guess! *shrug* so yeah, I miss Nik...a lot....mostly...
I haven't heard from Ted in over 2 months...but as we said before, that's life and that's Ted. I don't expect much from him, that's how he is... he hasn't proven otherwise as of yet.
I'm going home next weekend... I'm meeting lots of great people up here... Noel and I are going to see Stigmata tonight...I'm going to scare myself as I do with my overactive imagination...*grin*
Gotta run across my dorm room and do some reading for class before I go out tonight... Wendy - 9/11/99

'allo everyone! or, the 5 people that might read this while my page is up...*laugh* it is a lovely monday evening and my hotmail mailbox was quite full this evening with emails! How lucky! I love getting mail! Thought there was no snail mail because of (lame excuse) Columbus Day!

Have you ever heard of a lamer holiday?

Is "Lamer" even a word? hmmm, whatever!
So I miss people, and the countdown is now standing at 45 days till Gobbly break! Ain't that great?! I think so! Hmm, break is going to be fun. I got invited to Nik's house for dinner and such. It should be very nice. I'm excited about meeting his family...I love his mom! *laugh* she's so sweet!
That's what's going on with me... College is going well. Life is going well. Anyone who is reading this,
Read Good Benito by Alan Lightman

yeah, that's a damned good book... I'm reading lots lately, studying lots lately... history is going to be challenging, but I've started already on it. that's about how things are...
Oh, i almost forgot... I miss Nik! LOTS! *laugh* that's for all of you who didn't know or might have forgotten... Till next time my beautiful children of the night... Wendy - 10/11/99

So I'm back... did you think I wouldn't be? have faith my friends! Life is going well. I've finished my first semester of college at UW Stevens Point and I ended up with a 3.13 GPA which I'm very proud of! I work 2 jobs, I have a regular shift on the campus radio station which is so much fun!
Nik and I are together even through the distance. what can I say? the boy and I are in love! yeah, so it goes... it's been about 6 months we've been together now. *smile* and we're going strong. I'll probably go out there for spring break and stay with him. that would be a riot! I really hope it materializes.
Winter break was great. I spent a lot of it with Nik, either at my house or at his. it was wonderful. New Years was amazingly fun and full of suprises, though that whole millenium thing was a bust, other stuff made up for it.
Money is short, I miss Nik, I miss friends at home, I miss other things... but things are good. getting back into the swing of things. this semester is going ot be much harder. more reading and homework. so it's going to be a challenge.
I have to finish getting ready for class. have a wonderful white winter everyone! Wendy - 01/20/00

Me oh my! What a semester! And there are only 3 days left of it! and then I'm heading home, but only for a few hours! Then I'm heading off to Philadelphia to pick up Nik! See some of the sites and go to the museum. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. *sigh* yeah!
I'm going to be working in Madison this summer, living between E-ville and Spring Green. So if I'm not at home or in Madison, and it's a weekend, I'm at Nik's.
Um, what else... oh! Nik and I are going out west! Into the great wide open! hee hee hee We're hitting the Badlands NP, The Grand Tetons NP, Yellowstone NP and Glacier NP... If you want me to write to you, lemme know and I'll send you a post card! *laugh*
So now I'm back to studying for my finals which start tomorrow! goodie! hope you all have a good summer, learn things about life and yourselves and make yourself happy! Wendy - 5/7/00

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