Week Sixteen
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


I was wondering if you could help me. I was wondering if you could tell me the best way to apologize to an ex girlfriend.
I don't want to get back together with her, as she has a boyfriend now. I just want to stay friends with her.
About a year ago I was moving to another time zone for school. I was feeling really afraid and vulnerable and I made the mistake of hooking up with one of my previous ex girlfriends...
While still going out with this person. As a matter of fact, she was visiting at the time. I haven't seen or heard from her since and I'm a little afraid she never wants to talk to me again. That would just plain blow goats for nickles. I hate it when poeple are mad at me. I realize that it's been a long time since I talked to her and that she has probably moved on and forgotten about it, but I'm afraid to contact her just in case she hasn't. Do you have any advice?



Dear Me

Let me say to everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been updating my page!
Now onto the question at hand...

I have been doing some research on this problem of yours and here's what I came up with...
First of all, the reason you have not seen this girl was the fact that you were some distance away at school,
and she didn't contact you for the simple fact that you never contacted her. She didn't want to waste her energy
if you weren't even going to write or email her back.
Do you see the sense in this?
I'm sure if you contacted her, wrote to her, called her, that she would enjoy conversing with you.

Now, about apologizing to her. It seems like you really screwed up buddy... And I think you're going to need to do some groveling, crying and whimpering on your hands and knees to get even some of her trust back. Or you can go to her and sincerely apologize to her for what you did and how you hurt her.
I think you two could still be friends if you are honest and aren't a cock...
Do keep in mind, you were in the wrong in the first place.
It seems like she has moved on, but an honest apology always helps, no matter how long over due it is.
Oh, and a little side advice, people don't "forget" when they've been cheated on...
They learn from it and don't make the same mistake twice.

I hope this advice helps you...um, I mean Me... or, whatever!
I hope it helps you and you can contact your ex-girlfriend, apologize and still be friends.

Happy groveling!


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