There are alot of PSP Tutorial Sites on the web.
Usually you find a site, and have to search
through it to find the tutorial you want or need.
I personally have lost tutorials more than once,
and got tired of searching all over again.
So this is why I decided to make this page.
All you have to do is click on which tutorial
you want and you go directly to it.

           Firey Text                      Chilly Text                     Stone Text

           Hot Wax Coating          Glowing Text                  Digital Text

           Metal Text                     Wood Text                     Icy Text

           Smoking Text                Embossed Text               Trippy Text

           Stained Glass Text         See-Through Text           Beveled Text

           Drippy Text                   Gold Text                       Chrome Text

           Curved Text                  Reflection Text                3-D Text

           Chisel Text                    Rock Texture                  Circular Text

           Neon Text                     Carved Text                     Weave Text

           Wood Frame                 Chisel Frame                   Gold Frame

            Cutout Border Frame

           Inner Bevel                    Waving Pennant             Fire

           Reflection                      Feather                           Fade Mask

           Water w/Perspective       Pencil Sketch                 Photo Retouch

           Textured Spheres           Creating Spheres            Rain Mask

           Mapping Textures          Water Drops                  Page Curl

           3-D Buttons                    Steel Plate & Screws      Photo Edges

           Layers Primer                 Transparent GIFS          Layers

           Using/Creating Papers    Merged Selections          Watermarking

           Embossed-Tiled              Gradient Tile                 Beveled Edge

           Muted                             Seamless Tile

           Making a Tag                 Making Tubes           Tubes~Advanced

           Frame Tubes                   Snow Globes             Alphabet Set

           3-Layered Drop Shadow Tag            Glass Dome Nameplate

           Simple Nameplate           Furniture                  Dingbats

           Drapes                            Chains                      Tear Drops

~Blade Pro~

Making Blade Pro Presets     Colorizing with Blade Pro

Presets~1     Presets~2     Presets~3     Presets~4

Presets~5     Presets~6     Presets~7     Presets~8

Presets~9     Presets~10


Sandy Blair's Filters

For some reason, every site I've went to, to find a link for
Greg's Factory Filters, the page was not found.
Not sure whats going on, but would suggest you go here,
to get this set with the following link.
Download the YuHsin's Den Vol 1 & YuHsin's Den Vol 2.
Seem's to be the only one's I can find.

Greg's Filters 1 & 2


If you would care to share a favorite
DIRECT link to be added to this page.
Please e-mail me @...

Have a question or comment.
Please e-mail me @

Come back often, this site will be growing quickly.
Thanks for stopping by.

Diana's World of Graphics N' More