Making a tag with Paint Shop Pro 5

There are many ways to make a tag but this is one technique.
First open a New Image. To do this, go up to File and click on New.
I like to start large with 450 x 450, this gives you more room to work.
If you also decide to add a tube, then you will have the room.
Diagram below.

Click on OK and your New Image appears.
Then take your cursor and click on the
Selection Tool on your toolbar
(normally to the left).
This is what it looks like:

Go back to your New Image and using your cursor,
make the shape of the tag, as shown below.
The broken lines will be blinking, leave them blinking.

There are SO many ways and techiques of making tags,
this will be a basic tag.
Choose the color you want the tag to be by
double clicking on the top box of your two color boxes.
A color chart will appear and you choose the color
you want by clicking on it and then click OK.
The top box (BLUE) is your foreground & font color,
the bottom box (PURPLE) is your background color.
Here is a diagram:

Now, click your Flood Fill can:
and click inside the blinking lines.. you will get this.

Leave it blinking and if you are more advanced
and have plug-ins can now use them,
such as the swirl effect or weave that comes with Eye Candy.
But for now, we will just make a basic button.
Change your setting on your Color Boxes now..
you want the blue to be your background color now,
it will be what shades the button.
Click once where you see the pointer below
and the color boxes will reverse.

Now that the blue is in the background box,
go up to Image, then Effects, then Buttonize.
As shown below.

Then this screen will pop up:

Adjust the Height and Width.
The Opacity is how dark you want the edges to be.
You can choose Solid Edge or Transparent Edge.
The Transparent is what I normally use, it gives it the blended look.
The Solid give you more of a block style.
When you think you have it how you want it, click on OK.
IMPORTANT: If at any time you don't like what you have done,
go up to EDIT and UNDO and you can UNDO it.
If you have a few steps you would like to take off,
This will list all the steps you have taken so far and
will UNDO all that you highlight.
Now you have this:

Now you have choices here, while still blinking,
you can go up to Image and Crop to Selection and it will cut it out like this:

Then to Save this tag, simply go up to FILE then SAVE AS and name it.
For best results, I ALWAYS save my graphics in the JPG format.
It stays clearer and also saves you space.
BMP's take up more hard drive space.
Here is a diagram:

You can make your own folders by going into your Windows Explorer,
highlighting the C: and going up to FILE and click on NEW and
then FOLDER and give the folder a name.. such as Nametags.
Then you can save all your Nametags to that folder.
Type the name you want to give it in the FILE NAME space
then in SAVE AS TYPE, click on the arrow and choose JPEG.
Another option is, before you CROP the tag, you can add a TUBE.
Tubes would be another whole tutorial but
I can show you how its added on and cropped.
Here is how it looks with the tube added on.

Now you would just crop it as shown below with the Selection tool:

Then go to IMAGE and CROP TO SELECTION and you get this:

and once saved and put into an email or website, it looks like this:

I hope these instructions are easy to understand for the beginner.
Many of you who have made tags will have different techniques
and shortcuts but this is the way I learned.
I rarely read tutorials, I find them TOO confusing usually. LOL
I have found out more things just by playing with it and experimenting.
Kind of fun to discover things on your own LOL

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If you care to visit Lori's Sites,
just click on the links.

Lori's Tubes

Lori's PSP Masks

Lori's Font Place

Diana's World of Graphics N' More