Making Frame Tubes

(For best viewing, maximize)

For the frames shown on this tutorial,
I used Paint Shop Pro 5 and Eye Candy.
If you don't have Eye Candy, you can also try
using the plugin Bordermania or another 3D or frame type plugin.
First choose a color in the top box, I am using Grey.

Now open a New Image. A good size would be 300 x 300.
Then click on the SHAPES tool as shown below:

Next click on the Toggle Control Pallette on your top toolbar:

The screen below will then come up and you have four choices now.
Square, Rectangle, Circle or Elipse (Oval).
For this example I will use Elipse.

Using the settings as shown above, now I click on the new image
and holding down your left mouse button, draw the shape.
(Always remember, if at any time you aren't happy
with the results, you can go up to EDIT and UNDO.)
This is what happens:

Next, click on the Freehand or ROPE tool and
with your cursor, draw around the area
as shown and leave the flashing lines blinking.

Then go up to EDIT and COPY.
With the new picture that comes up,
click on the white area with the
MAGIC WAND tool and then click on the
CUT tool (the scissors) on the top tool bar.>
Do this with each white area.
You should then have this:

Now you need to copy and paste the frame to a new image.
This is so you can flood fill it and bevel it.
Go up to EDIT and COPY and open a
new image and go to EDIT and PASTE.
Leave the lines blinking around the area.
If you haven't tried the tutorial I have on FLOOD FILL,
you need to read that first to learn how to use the FLOOD FILL tool.
Here is the frame now after flood filling.
You can use any background or graphic you'd like:

With the flashing lines still blinking, now it's
time to bevel it giving it a 3D look.
I also have a tutorial using Eye Candy Inner Bevel
and that is what I will use on this frame.
Here are the settings I used with Eye Candy:

The settings aren't always going to be the same.
It's going to vary on the color
and type of background you use.
The best way I found to learn was by just playing
with the settings until I was happy with the results.
Now your frame should look like this:

Click on any area of the picture after adding the
Inner Bevel and stop the blinking lines.
Now you want to use the ROPE tool and
MAGIC WAND as shown earlier to get your frame back
onto a transparent background to make it into a tube.

Now you can save it as a tube.
That's it! It may seem like alot of steps but once you've
done it a couple of times, it gets easier =)
Have fun!

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