I think this is a fun tutorial. Hope you enjoy it too :)
Tutorial Made by Lori (WyLdLady2@aol.com)

Change this fairy above into...

Here's how:
Open up a tube in PSP and ZOOM in on the tube.
Using the FREEHAND TOOL, draw around the area
you want colorized and then click COPY and PASTE as a new image.
Shown below.


Now go up to COLORS and COLORIZE.
Below are the settings I used:

After you click OK, then copy this newly colorized image and go back to your tube
and paste this image over top of it like this:

I make several copies of the original tube so that I don't lose the
original one and I can make them in many colors then too.
Continue this way with the rest of her, it's kind of like when I
was little and played with paper dolls LOL

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