~*~ Blinkie Tutorial By Lori  ~*~
This tutorial will show you 4-5 different types
of blinkies you can make.
I don't really use Blinkie's but I had a couple of requests
asking if I could make a tutorial on them. I was told the ones
they found were too complicated so I'm hoping I made this easier! LOL

I will attach templates for different styles of blinkies.
First, in PSP, open up 3 transparent shapes that are each 150 pixels wide by
20 pixels in height.  The 3 templates you will use on these 3 shapes
are attached here: Blinkie1

After you d/l them and unzip them, open them up in PSP.
This blinkie involves 3 colored templates so flood fill the 3 boxes with any
3 colors you want to choose.
Tip: I zoom in on all of these while working since they are so small.
The template is set in a purple color but you can flood fill this
using any color you want.
How it looks now on top:

Bottom 2 after flood filling it with other colors:

Then take the template Blinkie1a~LM.tub
and put it over the first one, Blinkie 2 over the second and 3 over the third.
Example below ~ ZOOMED in:

Above is the new image (120x50) filled in with blue color.
Below I copied and pasted Blinkie1a~LM.tub

Continue doing these same steps with the other 2 templates,
making them any color you want.
Next two examples shown below(ZOOMED):

Now is the time to add any graphics that you want to each one.
As you get more exerienced, you can animate them too.
Now, taking all 3 images that you copied and pasted
the templates onto, save them in GIF format.
Open up your Animation Shop in PSP by clicking on FILE
and finding the Animation Shop there.
Then in your Animation Shop, hit FILE then ANIMATION WIZARD.
Then you will have this:

click NEXT
then this:

click NEXT
then this:

click NEXT

On this screen above, where you see the 10 is where
you set the setting for the speed.  The higher the number,
the slower the animation will move.

Now with the next screen, click on ADD IMAGE
and browse for the GIFs you saved there, keeping in mind
the order that you put them in there, is the order they will
move in the animation.

Below shows after adding them, click NEXT:

then you get this:

click FINISH.
The animation will show up in frames, to view the animation,
click on the ICON on your toolbar shown below:

After viewing it, if you are happy with it, go to FILE
and SAVE AS and give it a name, it should automatically
save it as a GIF file.
Then the screen below should come up:

click NEXT.
then you should get:

click NEXT

hit FINISH. That's it!
This is only a basic idea, there is much more
you can learn. Hope this gives you a good head start!


Another example, before making into an ani, you can flood fill
the inner section all in one color to make it less dramatic.

Here are more templates for other designs:
Example with link to zips below each one.

Templates 1

The next blinkie design
is a little larger than your average blinkie,
I personally want them a little bigger!  LOL
The blank size you have to make is 167 x 35 pixels

Blank Blinkies

The last one is a combination of 4 running colors.
To make this one, zoom in on it and flood fill each coordinating
color with the 4 colors you choose

The next one, you need to make your images
188 x 44 pixels.
This is just one template and you can change the colors
of the dots around it when you cut and paste it into a new image
and leave them blinking, just use your brush over it with any color you want
and make as many new images as you want.  With the one below,
I used Harry's Power Grads and changed them slightly on each
of the 3 templates.
Templates 2

Lori's Tubes

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