Techniques For Using Flood Fill

There are so many fun things you can do with flood fill and this
tutorial will explain how to do a couple of things.
First.. filling in fonts as shown below.
On a new image, put the wording you want to use
and leave the lines around it blinking.

Now bring up a background in PSP that
you would like tofill the letter with.
Then click on your FLOOD FILL tool:

Now on the top toolbar, click on the Toggle Control Palette as shown below:

Click where you see OPTIONS and then you will see this screen:

Set Fill Style as Pattern and New Pattern Source as the background you chose.
If you have the background up in your PSP, it will be on that list
of options under New Pattern Source. Then click OK.
Using your FLOOD FILL tool, fill in each letter while it's still blinking.
You will then have this:

Leave it blinking if you would like to add Drop Shadow
now and/or use any other plugin on it.
Below I used Eye Candy-Inner Bevel and then
Drop Shadow, which is under Image and Effects.

Ok now I will show you how to flood fill in a tag making it
coordinate with the graphic you will be using on the tag.
First bring up the tube or graphic you are going to use.
Then find a section in the picture that you want
to use to fill in the tag and using the SELECTION

Make a square or rectangle in that area and leave it blinking.
As shown below:

Go up to EDIT and then COPY, then EDIT and
Paste As A New Image, then you would have this:

Now same as before, go up to the Toggle Control Palette and choose
this new image as the Pattern in the New Pattern Source selection.
Make a new image (Larger then you want the tag) and fill in the area
you want as the tag using your SELECTION tool as shown below:

If you leave it blinking.. you can then buttonize it using Image..
Effects and then Buttonize or Eye Candy and Inner Bevel or
any other option you may want to try.
Then add the graphic or tube to the tag.
I used Eye Candy Inner Bevel on the tag and
tube itself then used Drop Shadow. Shown below:

You can also make matching backgrounds using this technique.
If you want to make a muted background, bring up the new background
in PSP5 and go to Colors, then Adjust and then Gamma Correction.
The possibilities are endless!!

Have fun!

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Lori's Font Place

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