Flood Filled Tubes

I was playing around with tubes and shapes one day
and came up with something new.
It's possible someone has already done this but I haven't seen it lol
I don't know what to call them other then Flood Filled Tubes.
I made one in a recent mailing and so many asked
how I did it that I decided to make a tutorial on it.
This is the tag I had made:

I made the cloud by starting out with a shape that had I made into a tube.
An example is shown below:

Then I used the Flood Fill method, as shown in my
Tutorial #7 and filled in the star.
Shown below after adding flood fill:

Then I went to EDIT and COPY, opened a new image and
went to EDIT and PASTE and pasted the star
to a new image and left it blinking.

Then using Eye Candy, I used the Inner Bevel on it and then with PSP,
Shown below:

Then just added a tube and text:

Just click on the link below and
you can download the flood filled tubes:
Included are the Star, Cloud, Apple and Frame.


You can fill it with any background or picture you want.
Adding a picture can sometimes be tricky tho,
it may not fit just right into the tube when you fill it but you can
experiment by resizing the picture and then filling the tube.
Another fun thing to try is to copy and paste the tube to a
new image and use a plugin to add texture to it.
For example, fill in the tube with any color and using Eye Candy,
put a weave effect in it. There are MILLIONS of possiblities!
And the background I used is below.

Main Tutorial Page

If you care to visit Lori's Sites,
just click on the links.

Lori's Tubes

Lori's PSP Masks

Lori's Font Place

Thanks for coming by.

Diana's World of Graphics N' More