Hello Everyone!
It is hard to believe that half the school year is already over. This six weeks we will be working on counting to 100. Also, we will work on number words (0-10) and color words. In math, we will begin working on addition skills. Kindergarten students will take a benchmark test the week of January 9-13. Your child should eat a good breakfast and be well rested on these days. The TPRI (Texas Primary Reading Inventory) will be given the week of January 23. We will not be having a Valentine's party. Instead, we will have an Easter party in the spring. However, your child will be allowed to bring valentine's to exchange with classmates. When you are sending snacks please remember to send enough for the entire class. We have 23 students. Also, do not send sugary snacks with no nutritional value. Please follow the list that was sent home at the beginning of the year or check with me.
Please remember to send me a note if your child is changing buses or his normal route home. Also, we need a note when your child is absent from school.
Kindergarten is Fun! Ms. Byerly