Welcome to Maine's Swedish Colony Cultural Directory
This cultural directory includes information on the wide range of recreational, cultural, historic, folk, and arts practices of the community. We hope that the website will grow into a useful resource for schools, organizations, and individuals seeking to make connections in the community. Thanks to all who filled out surveys, gathered information and who continue to contribute.
John Hede, Project Director
email to: jhede@mfx.net.
The Cultural Directory consists of four parts:
Person Index: the table of contents, listing
everyone in the directory.There
are over 400 people participating in this project.
Person Pages have contact information, an autobiographical sketch,
and a list of cultural categories (for example John
Hede's Person Page)
Those who have given permission have a Biographical Sketch published on their page.
You can go to the next or previous Person Page by clicking the right-most navigation
links on the Person Page. You will proceed through the pages alphabetically.
Start here with the first Person Page in the directory.
Category Index: A listing of cultural
interest areas. This page may be slow to load. There are about 400 categories
so far.
Category Pages are listings of persons who have selected to be in
a cultural interest category (for example Agriculture)
You can go to the next or previous Category Page with the right-most navigation
links on the Category Page.
Copies of the Cultural Directory Survey forms are available for reading at the Swedish Colony historical museums in Sockholm, New Sweden, and Woodland.
Photo of the New Sweden Museum.
on Discovery Research Fieldwork in the Swedish Colony by folklorist
Matthew Shippee. This report is part of the
Discovery Research for the Cultural Directory.
We are testing our online Individual
Cultural Survey Form. It seems to be working O.K. Please try it out..
Comments or corrections for the Cultural Directory
Please let us know what you think. Join our email group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/maineswedishcolony.
We hope this group creates a constructive conversation about our community and how this web site can serve its needs. Please sign up and contribute or just see what others are talking about.
You may prefer to sign
our Guestbook (view
or you may also send email to: John Hede, jhede@mfx.net.
project was funded in part by a grant from The Maine
Arts Commission, the New
Century Community Program, and the National
Endowment of the Arts, a federal agency. The New Century Community
Program is a collaborative initiative of seven cultural organizations providing
matching grants and technical assistance to Maine communities. Funded by
the people of Maine, the program seeks to assist towns in developing their
cultural and educational resources.
Do you have some ideas for additions to the Cultural Directory wish list?:
Background information about the Cultural Directory
Encourage wider participation from poeple inside and outside the colony
Online Group Survey Form
List of most popular or unusual activities
List of featured folks
Links to personal web sites
History of the Directory web site
Web site by Bill Duncan 1.9.02