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PS. Don't believe everything you read on these pages...

"A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make" RESPONSE TO DEBBI FIELDS' IDEA OF STARTING MRS. FIELDS' COOKIES.

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Debbi Fields

Debbi Fields - Founder of Mrs Fields Cookies

The secret ingredient to her success is pure Passion!

Passion is the secret ingredient to sweet success

Sign Debbi's Guestbook

Links to pages on Debbi Fields!

A Bake Oven for the kids..
1998 WINNING ESSAYS - Debbi Fields

Debbi Fields bakes up her own TV show

Washington Speakers - Who is Debbi Fields??

Branded People, Who is Debbi Fields?

In the Beginning and early days of Mrs Fields Cookies

Some garbage also gets published..
Mrs Fields' Secret Weapon (User DEBBIFAN and Password DEBBIFAN)

Today and at Mrs Fields Cookies!

more on Mrs Fields from 1987 INC Magazine
The Neiman Cookie and Mrs Fields Cookie Urban Legend
Technology overview and Management at Mrs Fields...
Mrs Fields Cookies
Mrs Fields Chocolate Chippery - Seattle
Mrs. Fields to merge with Original Cookie Co. and Hot Sam's Pretzels
Foreign Countries News
Entries Will Be Judged by Debbi Fields..I

Mrs Fields Cookies

Mrs Fields Cookies


Recognition, Talks and Secrets

Hall of fame!
Entrepuneur stuff
Video Clips
Keynote address 1998
Another on public speaking
Secret business weapon!
Passion is what it takes
Sweet success

Cookie Boy

Urban Legends!

What is an Urban Legend?

"An urban legend: appears mysteriously and spreads spontaneously in varying forms contains elements of humor or horror (the horror often "punishes" someone who flouts society's conventions). makes good storytelling. Does NOT have to be false, although most are. ULs often have a basis in fact, but it's their life after-the-fact (particularly in reference to the second and third points) that gives them particular interest."

The cookie legend 1
The cookie legend debunk
Another cookie legend
Urban Fact
Another cookie legend page

Free Stuff

This is the freebie part!

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Books, Reviews and Recipies!

Peaunut Butter
Chock Chip
Another Chock Chip
and wanted Chock Chip recipies
yet another recipies
Fake Recipies
Fake Mrs Fields recipies
Another Mrs Fields Compatible recipies
Celebrity Cooking
Celebrity Cooking Books
Debbi's Cook Books
Great American Deserts Books

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