The Debbi Fields Quotes Page

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Debbi Fields

Debbi Fields - Founder of Mrs Fields Cookies

She's been quoted a number of times.
Let's share a few favourite quotes!

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On Excellence:

"Good Enough Never Is"

"Be passionate. I loved baking chocolate chip cookies. Love what you do."

"I use nothing but the best ingredients. My cookies are always baked fresh. I price cookies so that you cannot make them at home for any less. And I still give cookies away."

"`No' is an unacceptable answer. Don't stop there. Go for yes."

"Celebrate excellence. Make people feel important."

"The greatest failure is not to try. When you dream, wake up and do."

"When things are bad, it means that good is close by."

"If you love it, you can sell it."

"When I went into business, I knew people could compete, but there would be none better. I wanted to make eating my cookies an experience -- and I did."

On Life:

"Chocolate is for the soul and exercise is for the heart."

"The greatest wealth is family and friends. Enjoy their love."

"Every day is special. Make it the best it can be."

"There is no such thing as an insignificant person. To treat people that way is a kind of sin and there is no reason for it. None!"

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