GAT-X105 Strike GUNDAM
Strike GUNDAM - Normal Striker
Igelstern 75mm anti-air gatling cannon x2
Armor Schneider assault knife x2
Strike GUNDAM - Aile Striker
beam saber x2
Strike GUNDAM - Launcher Striker
Agni 320mm hyper impulse cannon x1
combo weapon pod x1
-120mm 6-barrel anti-ship gatling cannon x1
-350mm gun launcher x2
Strike GUNDAM - Sword Striker
Schwert Gewehr 15.78 meter anti-ship sword x1
Panzer Eisen rocket anchor x1
Midas Messer beam boomerang x1
GAT-X105 Strike GUNDAM
Unit Type: prototype all-purpose multi-mode mobile suit
Manufacturer: Earth Alliance (?)
Operator: Earth Alliance, OMNI Enforcer
Rollout: Cosmic Era ?
First Deployed: Cosmic Era 70
Production Run: 1 unit

Head Height: 17.72 meters
Overall Height: ? meters
Base Weight: 64.8 metric tons
Base Weight: 85.1 metric tons (Aile Striker)
Base Weight: 83.7 metric tons (Launcher Striker)
Base Weight: 74.1 metric tons (Sword Striker)
Full Weight: ? metric tons

Armor Type: PS (Phase Shift)

Basic Armament:
Igelstern 75mm anti-air gatling cannon x2
Armor Schneider assault knife x2

Mobile Suit Description:

The GAT-X105 Strike GUNDAM was designed as a basic mobile suit with superior combat capabilities that could be enhanced with the inclusion of option armament configurations.  Whether the situation called for close combat, anti-warship or boosted mobility, the Strike GUNDAM's average ability among the new GAT series could be further specialized in any area depending on the optional packs and weapons attached before launch.  GAT is an acronym meaning "Gressorial Armament Tactical."  X is for "experimental."  The term 'GUNDAM' is also an acronym, standing for "General Unilateral Neuro-link Dispersive Autonomic Maneuver."  The Strike GUNDAM is programmed with MSOS (Mobile Suit Operation System) Version NVS - N099.
Armament Descriptions
Basic Armament:

Igelstern anti-air gatling cannons
- A triple-barrelled, clock-wise rotating gatling-type weapon, firing over 1600 rounds per minute in caliber 75 millimeter.  Produced by Igelstern Arma Inc.  Primary usage is the elimination of aerial threats, but also is used for elimination of light armored vehicles and distracting hits on enemy mobile suits.  Strike GUNDAM is equipped with two Igelstern gatling cannons, one mounted on either side of the mobile suit's head.

Armor Schneider assault knives - These spring-loaded assault knives are for use when engaged in melee combat against enemy mobile suits.  Length 2.8 meters opened, with tanto-style blade.  Maximum thrusting penetrating power of 0.9 meter RHA.  Strike GUNDAM carries two such assault knives, one stored in each hip armor.

Optional Handheld Armaments:

high-energy beam cannon - A bore diameter of 57 millimeters, this mobile suit hand-held beam cannon has an effective range on point targets of 2 kilometers and area targets of 3 kilometers.  Firing rate 60 rounds per minute, maximum energy charge of 30 rounds.

Aile Striker:

beam sabers - Mounted to the rear of the Strike GUNDAM on the Aile pack, beam sabers are a common close combat mobile suit weapon.  The beam blade can easily cause massive damage to any target it hits, and it's thrusting penetrating power is nearly unmatched.

Launcher Striker:

Agni hyper impulse cannon - Manufactured by Agni Weapons & Systems, this 320mm bore impulse cannon is designed to down enemy battleships and carriers and other large vehicles.  Range: 9.2 kilometers.  This large weapon measures nearly a full mobile suit height, and is mounted on the left shoulder behind the operating mobile suit.  When deployed, it takes an "under the shoulder/firing from the hip" position, or can swing on its mount to be parallel across the torso.  Despite this awkward firing position, the Agni impulse cannon is extremely accurate.

combo weapon pod - The combo weapon pod is the generic term for the right shoulder mounted armor and armament add-on.  Boasting a 6-barrelled 120 millimeter gatling cannon and dual 350mm gun launchers, this weapon pod offers protection against enemy threats when the impulse cannon is not deployed and in use.  The 120mm gatling is primarily for anti-ship purposes, while the gun launchers serve an all-purpose role, although the large bore is better suited to larger targets.

Sword Striker:

Schwert Gewehr sword - The Schwert Gewehr measures a massive 15.78 meters long.  However, the length of this melee weapon is denotes its use as an anti-ship, anti-armor weapon.  The sword is meant to be wielded with both of the mobile suit's hands gripping the handle.  The main energy blade running from the crossguard along the shaft to just beneath the alloy tip of the sword measures just over 8 meters.  Another energy blade emitter is located at the hilt of the weapon, when the wielding mobile suit must make a "skull-crushing" attack versus a target, usually an enemy mobile suit.  The Schwert Gewehr is stored on a mount on the mobile suit's rear right side.

Panzer Eisen rocket anchor - Mounted on the mobile suit's left arm.  The rocket anchor serves many purposes as a tool and as an offensive weapon.  While it can be used as a tow line, the primary use of this rocket-propelled anchor is to secure targets and either entangle them in the line or drag them closer to the operating mobile suit.  Initial launch speed of 20 meters per second, slows to 17 meters per second after 5 meters.  Maximum line length: 440 meters.  The rocket anchor receiver can also be used as a shield.

Midas Messer boomerang - One might question the use of a boomerang in modern day warfare, but the Midas Messer takes an ancient weapon and updates it with current technology.  The boomerang sports a beam blade emitter on one of its ends, and is designed to for the non-cutting end to spin along its center, thus giving it an effective circular cutting edge when thrown.  The "beamerang" is stored on the mobile suit's left shoulder armor option.

Optional Equipment:

general-purpose shield
- A simple hand-carried or forearm mounted shield, the function of this ages-old defense is to block or deflect most forms of incoming projectiles, whether they be ballistic, explosive or energy in nature.  Overall length: 9.6 meters.  The shield is not suited for use with either the Launcher-type or Sword-type Strike GUNDAM, as the hyper impulse cannon takes the left arm and hand to operate and the rocket anchor takes the left forearm mount respectively.
Strike GUNDAM Pilot(s):
Murrue Ramius
Kira Yamato
Kira Yamato Murrue Ramius
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Note: I don't know who chose the German terms for Strike GUNDAM's weapons, but Ingelstern's closest approximation with German is "Igelstellung," which means "hedgehog position."  The 'schneider' in armor schneider means "tailor."  However, it should be noted that the German word for 'cutter' is 'Schneideeinrichtung', which is probably closer to the word we want to be using, although "Panzer-Schneider" would be more accurately descriptive for the assault knives.  Schwert Gewehr translates to "sword rifle," which could prove interesting later in the series if that giant sword does more than cut things in half.  Finally, Panzer Eisen translates, "armor iron."  No, these make very little sense, but then again the average Japanese probably speaks German as well as the average American speaks, say... Swahili.

Also, 'gressorial' is a word that means "adapted for walking or having limbs adapted for walking.  Used of flightless birds."  Doesn't this seem kind of like a redundant term for a bipedal mecha designed for walking in the first place?  What's the point of putting legs on a mobile suit if they don't do anything?